Chapter 35: Battle of Love

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Chapter 34

After Brock had lost in the battle, Ash became a drill sergeant to him. His Pokémon were put through the mud, and a week before the dance, Ash decided it was enough. For now. Brock decided it was Ash's turn to learn some things. They were in his room, Brock was leaning on the wall, arms crossed. Ash was glaring at him, eyes glowing blue a little, a sign of his power, and annoyance. Gardevior was next to Ash, a smile on her face.

Ash: Dance? I'm not going to a dance pupil.

Brock: Sorry dude. You have to come. I need a wingman to get my date. Besides, you need to interact with people more.

Ash: Wingman?

Brock: I'm going to ask Sabrina to be my date.

Ash: You need my help with this, why?

Brock: Come on you two are close. You can set me up. In exchange, I'll help you deal with your girl issue. You got three girls wanting to go with you, and another one on the way. Dawn, Lillie, May, and soon to be Leaf.

Ash: I know about them, though I doubt the Leaf part. I'll help on one condition. You help me prepare and get ready for this dance, along with the date thing.

Brock: You got a deal Ash.


During the week before the dance, the duo had bought clothes, planned (for Brock), and got dance lessons for Ash. Surprisingly, he was quite good already. Only took about an hour of the lessons for Ash to outpace the teacher. On the girl's end, they did the exact same thing, except they also tried to figure out their dates.

The day before the event, Ash had finally got his nerves straight. He could take down a crime syndicate, save the world, and capture Gods, yet he couldn't even ask out a girl. While he was steeling his nerves, Gardevior was laughing at him. Ash returned her and started walking.

He was in front of his summer base. He was going to ask her so she could go but had no idea if she would say yes. He knocked, and out came a girl he knew. She stared at him for a moment, then motioned with her hand to get on with it.

Ash: Would you like to go to the dance with me?

Leaf: So, it was me he asked. Didn't quite expect that. Sure Ash, I'll go with you. Though Dawn, May and Lillie will most likely be upset with you about this. Our conversation last night might actually come to fruition.

Ash: I won't pry in your conversation. Thank you.

Ash teleported away, a light red on his cheeks, knowing Brock was going to be in a very good mood.


The day of the dance, and Ash was more or less freaking out. He had done impossible things, yet this was one of the hardest. Ash was in front of his summer home, and the door opened. Ash was wearing a red suit.

Leaf came out, her hair straightened to perfection. She had light makeup on, and a green dress, laced with a flower pattern. The flowers were white.

Ash's face went beet red, but he calmed himself down. Leaf herself went red as well, not used to Ash being a gentleman. They linked arms, and Ash teleported them in front of the entrance. The league had rented a massive building and prepared it well. Ash and Leaf walked into the doors and were met with dancing and loud music.   

Ash: What would you like to do?

Leaf: Can we find the others?

Ash: Yes ma'am.

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