Chapter 27: Creation and Destruction.

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That's what the world is run upon. Every choice someone makes affects everything. Whether it's making someone's life hell, crushing someone's spirit, or disowning your grandad. Each choice defines a person.

However, some choices have more impact than others.

Ash was about to find this out the hard way.

Tobias had acquired the red chain. The chain was kept in a museum, and its security was impenetrable. Almost. He had acquired the chain and summoned three gods.

Palkia, god of space.

Dialga, god of time

Girinita, god of antimatter.

For a moment it was a standoff. But before the lasers could fly, a black haired trainer appeared, with, with a singular pokeball on his belt. It was a luxury ball. On the trainer's shoulder was an orange Pikichu.

Ash: Creation Trio, I am here to save you. My orders are to protect you.

In response the three gods fire hyper beams at Tobias, who jumps for cover. He still hasn't sent out his legendaries which was odd for him, however Ash ignored it. The trainer took a defensive position around the gods. Time and space didn't pay him no mind, but Antimatter sensed darkness in him, and this peaked some insert.

Tobias walked confidently up the squad and pulled out six items. A Adamant Crystal, Adamant Orb, Lustrous Globe, Lustrous Orb, Greiours Orb, and Greiours Core. Tobias layed out all six, with his opponents watching him carefully. The legendarys glared at the sight of their items in his hands, but Tobias ignored them. Tobias's hand, which had tech and robot parts on it, started glowing blue, then purple, then finally yellow.

As his hand was glowing, the 6 items started shaking, then flying around. After a moment, 6 items became one. Tobias grinned and picked up two of them. They started glowing, with Palkia and Giratina shaking. Ash noticed this, so he made the spilt second descion, a choice that could either save the world or end it.    Ash Ketchum used his aura and got the god of antimatters item, saving him.     

This one choice chose.  Chose wether the entire world would perish or live.  Ash prayed he made the right one. 

 Girninta stopped glowing and gave a curious look to the trainer. Ash attempted to grab the other orbs; however, it was too late. Next to Tobias was an origin from Dialga and Palkia. The two dragons had their items around their neck, but it was red. Tobias grinned and tapped 2 master balls against the legendaries, effectively making them his.


Ash: This is a problem. He has two of the most powerful pokemon in existence. Take out the deities, I'll deal with Tobias.

A yellow pikachu lunged at the pokemon and fired a thunderbolt, which Dialga screamed in pain from. Dilga fired a dragon pulse back, but somehow all it did was phase through. Pikichu grinned and fired dragon darts, covered in lightning. Dilga stomped on one, and Palkia got hit with the other. A hydro pump and roar of time were fired, but once again the moves phased through. But as the two gods prepared another assault, an orange pikachu fell from the sky, covered in lightning.

Tobias glared at the aura trainer, but knew he could never beat him in a fair fight. So he didn't fight fair. Zapdos appeared and fired a thunderbolt. Ash was hit, but using his aura, absorbed the power, then sent it back. Zapdos roared in pain, and looked furious. The trainer rolled his eyes and made a purple cage, made from psychic energy. Zadoes attempted to break free, however it was effectively trapped.

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