Chapter 46: New family

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Chapter 46:

Battle of Lovers!

Today was the day. Ash was battling Lillie. Both knew it was bound to happen, and Ash made Lillie promise to not hold back. When she attempted to tell him the same, Ash simply walked away, hands in his pockets. Though he did promise her that he'd use an ace. He made her pick a region, and she picked her own, so now that's her opponent.

Lillie had sent out Gardevior. Ash nodded at her, knowing she was using Gardevoirs diverse moves to take down heavy hitters. But Gardevior was frail, something Ash was going to exploit. Ash had sent out a blue rock type, with elegant fur, in a battle pose. Dusk Lycanroc had hit the field.

As soon as the battle began, Gardevior fired a Moonblast, but Lycanroc cut it in half with her spike. Gardevior was shocked for a moment, but righted herself, not surprised her master's mentor could do this. The empathy pokemon attempted to use Psychic, however Lycanroc fired two rocks at Gardevoir, hitting her in the eyes, breaking focus and doing damage. Before Gardevior could recover, the blue doggo hit her with a Crunch on her arm, before throwing her into the air.

Lycanroc fires a Hyper voice around itself, before jumping up. Gardevior recovered in midair, using Psybeam, but the hyper voice countered it, and a rock slide crushed Gardevior into the ground. Still in the air, Lycanroc used Rock tomb, which Gardevior narrowly avoided. The Ahola dog hit the ground with a grin. Ash read his mind, knowing what the pokemon wanted from Ash.

Ash: Fine. Special ability, Red eyes. 

Lycanroc howled, and her eyes turned from green to red. The rock dog grinned, and appeared right in front of Gardevior, bashing her in the face with an Iron Head, then throwing her into the wall with a Crush Claw.  

The empathy pokemon walked forward, until she was right next to Lillie. Gardevior raised her hands in an attempt to fire a Shadow Ball, but the pokemon promptly collapsed. Lillie caught her, and congratulated her on a well fought battle, then returned her.

Lillie sent out Altaria. The crowd murmured, but Ash knew why. The bird may be weak to Rock, but she was damn hard to pin down. The bird fired a Moonblast, but once again, Lycanroc chopped it in half. Altaria flew into the air, charging up a sky attack. However, Lycanroc made rocks appear around itself. Altaria closed in for the attack, but suddenly, the rocks flew out, hitting the bird in the wings.

Altaria flew back into the air, though not without flinching from each flap. Lycanroc grinned, and her paws started glowing brown. The pokemon jumped up, and mounds of earth appeared under her feet, and carried her into the air. Altaria, Lilly, and the audience were dead silent.

Lycanroc howled and started flying towards Altaria. The bird used a dragon pulse, but Lycanroc just destroyed it with a Hyper voice. Lycanroc was above Altaria, then the mounds of earth underneath her hit Altaria, knocking her out.

Lycanroc and the dragon flew down into the ground, but Lycanroc was prepared. She made more earth appear under her feet, then a giant mound of earth was under the bird, carrying both down with ease. Lilllie ran up to her dragon, making sure she was ok.

Altaria let out a small caw, before passing out again. Lillie gave a pat to Lycanrocs head, a thank you, before returning her bird, heading back to her battle spot. Lilies next pokemon was Azumrill, a strong water type. The pokemon fired a Hydro Pump, but the shiny just dug underground, encasing it from view.

Azumrill started running, aware this would help. But the blue shiny knew where the pokemon was headed, so she jumped up, then smacked it away with a super effective iron tail. Lycanroc skidded, then stood in front of Ash, waiting. The water bunny started bouncing from the ground but came to a stop next to Lillie. Lillie gave her a smile, knowing how powerful this pokemon was.

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