Chapter 41: Powers over life itself

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Weather War

As Ash pocketed the stones, him and May were teleported to the first stop on the weather trio list. They teleported into a Volcano. Ash made an aura shield around the duo, protecting them from the fire. Before long, they fell through the earth, entering a small chamber, a lava pool in front of them.

Ash: Care to do this one, Hoenn girl?

May: Be my honor, Pallet town.

Ash infused aura with the stone, making it glow with red energy, and the markings glowed with primal energy. Ash handed it to the brown-haired girl, before she threw it into the lava. After a moment, the ground started shaking, as if it was being torn apart. Before them was an ancient guardian of the land, dedicated to serving Arecus. This was Primal Groudon.

The monster let out a roar, before attacking the pair. Ash pushed May to the side, making him get crushed. Or appear to be crushed. When Groudon lifted up his hand, you could tell Ash was fine. He made an aura sphere around his body, like a shield. May jumped back into the open, sending out a Dragonite. Ash nodded at her, sending out Haxorus.

Haxorus roared loudly, and later on, people said they could hear it from the town nearby. Mays eyes widened, not expecting the ace dragon of Ash's team to make a reappearance. Dragonite was also surprised and felt honored to battle against such a dragon. Groudon growled, clearly not in a good mood.

Ash: No Holding back, not like the champion battle. This is life or death. Take this thing down.

May: HE WAS HOLDING BACK? Never mind, of course he was. Hyper Beam!

Dragonite flew into the air, flying back a bit, charging up a massive energy blast. Groudon attempted to hit it with a fire blast, however Haxorus jumped up, breaking it in half, then firing off a Dragon Pulse. Groudon roared in pain, no longer amused. The pokemon launched off a massive jet of fire, engulfing Dragonite. But right before it hit, Haxorus grabbed the dragon, both of them dodging.

Groudon used Precipice blades, striking Haxorus. The pokemon flinched, while Dragonite destroyed them all in Hurricane. Groudon roared again, controlling the lava to launch at the pokemon. While the trio were battling Ash was helping in his own way. The trainer had teleported himself onto Groudon's back, with May calling out moves for both pokemon, and Haxorus did listen to her, unless the pokemon knew it was a bad idea.

Haxorus ran in, before striking the legendary in the eye with a dragon Claw. Groudon grabbed the dragon and threw it into the Lava. Haxorus roared in fury and jumped back out. Groudon roared again and fired off a flamethrower, engulfing the Haxorus. Dragonite fired a dragon pulse into the fire types of mouth, causing a small explosion. Before either pokemon could fight again, Haxorus roared again, with a golden aura surrounding it. Flamethrower got the burn, so now the battle had really begun.

Ash was on top of the fire type's head and punched down with an aura sphere. Groudon shook the human off, and Dragonite caught him, putting him back on the ground. Ash fired off an aura beam, and his unova ace fired off a golden Dragon Pulse, and Dragonite fired another Hurricane. Groudon fired off an overheat, and the moves collided. Before the smoke cleared, Haxorus jumped through it, smacking the pokemon with a dragon claw. After a moment, Groudon faltered. Ash took the chance and threw a special pokeball. The ball had fire on it and was bright red. Ash threw it at Groudon.

One. Two. Three. Groudon broke out, even more furious. The pokemon fire a flamethrower, but Haxorus and Dragonite held it back with Dragon pulse, while Ash hit it with an aura sphere in the leg. 

Ash: Hax, we're doing a golden aura z-move. Devastating Drake.

Haxorus nodded, before glowing bright gold. The dragon roared, and fired a massive golden dragon, about two times as big as Groudon, and the golden beast hit the ground/fire type. Before the smoke cleared, Ash threw the same ball he sent out early. One. Two. Three. Click. At the sign of the captured, Ash floated the ball towards his hand, sending it to Mewtwo, who knew what to do.

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