Chapter 24: Inferno

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Ash was battling the Ahola fire Kakuna, Kiawe. When Ash got his Z-stone, he battled his grandfather. Now, he was battling his successor. Ash wasn't as tired as last time he had a fight, he's been training. But he can't use his fighting powers, he can only use telepathy.

Ref: Trainers, send out your Pokémon!

Kiawe: Marwok, let's burn it down!

Ash: Fire Fox!

A Ninetails appears, and it's the most beautiful Ninetails anyone had ever seen. Its fur was a bright golden yellow, and it was shining. Its steps were regal, like a queens. On its tail tips were purple and blue tiny flames. The snout was elegant, while beautiful.

In short, it was the most beautiful fire type anyone had ever seen. Kiawe was going to Kanto and catch one immediately. But first was the battle. On the beautiful pokemons entry, the sun shone much brighter. The grass wilted slightly, and a harsh sunlight formed.

Kiawe: Shadow Bone!

Ash: Deflect it.

Ninetails eyes glowed a beautiful purple, Extrasensory, and the 3 bones turned around, which hit the pokemon super effectively. Marowak glared, while Ninetails just bowed her head, as in disappointment.

Kiawe: Focus Blast!

Ash: Deflecting won't work. But this will.

Ninetails glowed purple, and when the move was about 3 feet away, she acted. Ninetails blasted it with purple fire. The move exploded, and in the smoke came a tornado of blue fire. It completely engulfed Marowak, who was trapped. Now the plan is unleashed. Nintails jumped over the Tornado and fired a dark pulse. The ghost-fire type fainted in a matter of moments.

Kiawe: Salazzle go! Overheat!

Ash: I know you hate getting hit, but I need you to make the move graze you.

Ninetails gave her trainer an annoyed look, but complied. As the fiery inferno closed in, Ninetails jumped to the side, and let her paw be clipped by it. Salazzles Sp attack was nerfed thanks to that. The fire trainer realized what he did, and immediately regretted it.

Kiawe: Nasty Plot!

Ash: Take it.

Ninetails eyes glowed black, and the nasty plot was somehow taken from Salazzle, and handed to the fire fox. Salazzle was incredibly confused and scared. Ninetails grinned and fired a massive black flamethrower. Ninetails had a power where her moves changed color. Her Flamethrower was black because Nasty Plot was just used.

Salazzle quickly fell in the power of the move. Ninetails just trotted to her trainer and lowered her head. Ash understood and started petting her. Ninetails forgave him for making her get hit, and shot a small ember onto its hand. The color was blue.

Ash: Thank you. The battles not over yet though. Get ready.

Ninetails nodded and shot another ember into Ash's hair, this time purple. Ash just smiled.

Kiawe: Turtantior go! Fire Blast!

Ash: After this sun is down. Use it wisely.

Ninetails just rolled her eyes. Her trainer could be so overprotective sometimes. Ninetails used Solar beam, and aimed the move to make a circle around the dragon type. Fire Blast aimed at the fire fox, but it missed. Once the circle was done, Ninetails fired Psyshock orbs into the holes, effectively making it into a trap.

The sun had fallen, and the field was back to normal. The fire trainer had no idea what just happened, so he just decided to do his thing. He ordered a dragon tail, but when the fire/dragon type stepped on an orb, a massive explosion occurred, which did massive damage.

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