Chapter 40: Saving those you love, plus some stones.

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Ash headed to the field, ready to face his opponent. Lillie had her battle right after him, so she went with him. As they walked together, the duo got a lot of stares. Lillie kept her head low, though Ash just ignored them all, knowing it was mostly out of respect. When they got to the entrance, all hell broke loss. They were flooded by reporters, with Lillie looking scared. Ash, since there was no point to keep secrets anymore, time to really let loose.

Reporter 1: How did you catch multiple legendaries?

Reporter 2: How far have you taken your relationship with Lillie to be?

Reporter 3: Do you plan to catch more?

Reporter 4: Are you cheating on Lillie with one of your other female companions?

Reporter 5: Why have you not evolved your Pikachu?

Ash sent out Lunala, which made the crowd cower in fear. This easily made the duo cut through the crowd, with Ash holding Lilies hand to guide her. Lunala was right behind them, as a bodyguard. When he entered, he saw Gary Motherfucking Oak.   (I Believe this is a joke around the fandom)

Gary: How the hell did you do it.  How did you capture Gods, get multiple girlfriends, and become favored by any champion, professor, 

Lunala glared at Gary, making him back off. Ash ran through the building, before finally making it to the locker. At that point Lillie was hyperventilating. Ash returned Lunala, before noticing Lillie. The trainer wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug.

Ash: Hey you're ok. I know you can't deal with people after what your mom did. Remember I'm here for you. Calm down, and just know I'm right here.

As the two were hugging, Gardevior's pokeball was shaking, showing she was proud. Ash held her for a couple minutes, and she slowly got better. Unfortunately, as soon as she calmed down, the press showed up. In response Gardevior broke open her ball, teleporting them all away. Ash nodded at her, and the pokemon smiled, glad her trainer was happy.

Lillie just relaxed in his arms, feeling content. The moment was ruined when a buzzer called for Ash to enter the field.

Ash: Are you going to be okay?

Lillie: I think so.

Ash: If you're not, just come down to the field. I can get you to me.

Lillie nodded, however when she opened the door, a massive crowd of reporters was there. Ash teleported Lillie to the seats, closest to Ash as she can get. The trainer walked out of the field, Gardevior at his side. Gold was already there, and he looked visibly scared. Every person in the battle ground would know what Ash could do. Gardevior rolled her eyes, knowing no trainer was worthy to face a legendary, not without one of their own.

Ref: Trainers, send out your pokemon!

Gold: Grumpig, mind crush them all!

Ash: A Grumpig? Seriously? You're a champion with a Grumpig? Whatever. Gardevior, make sure Silver doesn;t attempt to interfere. Weavile will handle this.

Ref: Ah, but trainers, this round instead of single, it's double! Not only that, it's also a multi battle. The contestants of the next round will be battling here, so long and so forth. So trainers, come down here and join in. Lillie, and John! Sorry kid. It was supposed to be a normal double battle, but the league had to make you and Lillie battle together to appease the sponsors.

Lillie jumped off the side, walking next to Ash. Same thing happened with a trainer named John. Lillie sent out Gallade, and John sent out Poilwrath.

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