Chapter 26: Kanto's Revenge part 2

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For my early readers, go back to the ace page, I have changed the Johto and Galars ace ability.  And you will notice I made Draguapults new ability broken.  Well, I did, deal with it.  

To remind you what happened, Ash and Lance are fighting a 6v6, with Lance down Dragonite and his red Gyarados, while Ash is only down Amorphous, however his Mimukyu has been on the field, and is know on his head.

Ash: Go Machamp!

Lance: Baxcuilbar your turn! Ice Fang!

Ash: Quad Fist!

The two combatants charge at each other, one with blue icey fangs, the other with 4 glowing fists. Each fist is super charged. One with thunder, other with fire, another with ice, and the final with fighting powers. The fangs latched onto Machamps yellow fist, however quickly receded from the lightning. A fire, ice, and fighting fist hit the pokemon multiple times, with the final fist, being thunder, upcutting the dragon, sending it flying. But what Machamp didn't notice was the ice beam heading for it. The move connected, and Machamp skidded for a moment.

Lance: Aerial Ace!

Ash: Toxic. (So many pokemon learn this move it's not even funny. It's pretty weird though)

The purple gas cloud converges onto the dragon, but he ignores it and smacks Machamp with his fist. However somehow it didn't even flinch and punched it back even harder with all four fists. The ice dragon skidded and fired Dragon Pulse. Machamp punches the dragon, which makes it do less damage but still damage. Baxcuailbar has poison bubbles appear around and takes some damage.

Lance: SnowScape!

Ash: Ice body will not save you from toxic. Weather fist.

Baxcuilbar roars and it starts snowing. Machamps 4 fist start glowing red and blue. Two fists hold the power of the sun in the palm of their hands, the others hold the power of rain. The sun fist collided full force with Bacubilars gut, the rain fists collided with its tail. The dragon roars in pain and fires a point-blank blizzard. Once again, Machamp skids back. However, the dragon type is much weaker than Machamp. It heals some from the snow, however it then takes good damage from the toxic. 

Lance: Dragon tail!

Ash: Catch it and fire stone edge.

Sadly, this one Ash can't follow through. The dragon tail hits Machamp, which the fighting type catches. A small standoff ensues, however Baxcuiblar somehow overpowers Machamp and slams it against the ground. This action causes Machamp to be returned, via Dragon tails requirements.

In its place is Rotom, a fast electric ghost attacker. On entry the rotom fires a shadow ball, and Baxcuiblar roars in pain. Rotom fires another shadow ball, but the dragon chops it in half. At this point Baxciblar can go down to a simple tackle.

Ash: Thunder Bolt.

Lance: Ice shard!

The ice crystals are launched and aimed, however Rotom dodges and weaves, even straight exploding one using a small thunder shock. Rotom was right above his opponent and fired a beam of lightning, which knocked out the dragon.

Lance: Well, done. Salamence, you're up!

Rotom was floating ahead while grinning. Salamance glared at her opponent, then fired Dragon Pulse. Rotom ducked under it, then used thunder. Salamence expected a counterattack from the front, not from the back, so it got fried.

Lance: We're not done YET! Flamethrower!

Ash: Discharge.

Flamethrower grazes Rotoms wings, however the massive electric move hits Salamence right back. In response the pseudo legendary fired Hyper beam on reflex. The move just went through the ghost type. Salamence has to recharge, so rotom uses Will-o-wisp. Salamence was weakneed, attack halved and taking damage each time it attacked.

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