Chapter 37: Moonlight

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Ash returned to his house, but for some reason only Dawn was there. Ash felt around 6 auras. Leaf and Dawn. Along with them, Brock and Sabrina. Though Riley's aura was there, he wasn't familiar with the sixth. Luckily though the aura was identified as Riley's Lucario. The Pokémon let Ash identify him, knowing he would go on defense if he didn't know an aura signature.

Dawn noticed Ash's eyes were blue, knowing it meant he was using aura. Dawn made a small noise, getting his attention. When his eyes landed on her, she let out a small eep.

Dawn: Con-n-congrats on your bat-tle-e As-h-h.

Ash: Just a normal battle. What's with the stuttering?

Dawn: No reason. Just panicking about how to ask you.

Ash: Ask me what?

Dawn: (Calms Down) Ash, before Leaf tells you her decision about us, I want to take you on a date. Right now.

Ash: Sure. And what do you mean us?

Dawn: I'll take you on the date. Can we go to Kanto? I want to see where you used to live. (innocent smile, grabs Ash's hand)

Ash: You're ignoring the question.

Dawn: You'll know when we get back.

Ash: Fine. Just tell our friends to stop spying, I can tell.

Ash leaves but before he does, mute trainer sends a small aura sphere at all the aura signatures, causing them to fall on their butt, except Sabrina, Riley, and Lucario who deflected it. Ash gave them all a look and teleported his date to Pallet Town.

They were in front of the professor's lab. Ash walked in and held the door for Dawn, who grabbed his hand and dragged him onwards. Inside was Oak, talking to a group of three trainers. The girl had light blue hair, around 5'2. One boy had sandy blonde hair, and the other one had red hair, both

Oak: Today, you are getting your starter pokemon! What will you all pick? Remember, I have more than just the Kanto starters!

Girl: I want a Litten!

Boy 1: Can I have a Piplup?

Boy 2: Give me a Snivy!

(Author note these are my starter predictions for Z-A!)

Oak: Well then new trainers, take your starters. Become the best trainer in the world!

Ash: (only to dawn and oak) Glad to see you're still enjoying yourself.

Oak smiled at his apprentice. Oak turned the three around. One boy gave Ash a look, thinking him nothing, though his eye did land on Dawn. He noticed they were holding hands. The girl squealed at their presence, knowing Ash as the mute trainer, one who can take champions down with ease. The other boy's eyes were like stars, as his blue eyes landed on the mute trainer.

Blue eyed: My name's Calem! You're the mute trainer! Are you a champion? How do you beat them so easily? What was your starter? Can we battle?

Dawn: Calm down! I'm Dawn, and I'll translate for him. He is not a champion, he beats them easily because of training and discipline, his starter he'll show you, and he says he won't battle.

Calem: Please show me your starter! I bet it's Haxorus! That's my favorite of yours!

Ash shook his head, and a Pikichu emerged from a Luxury Ball. He sat on Ash's head, taking note of him holding hands with Dawn.

Calem: You have a shiny Pikachu? You gave him a shiny Pikachu? I want a shiny pikachu! Wait, I like Piplup. Ugh.  Can I have both

Girl: I'm Melody. Ignore my brother. Me and him love your battles. He wants to be like you, I want to catch them all. Though can you tell me how YOU GOT MEW?

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