Chapter 28: Icewire

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The training with mewtwo was something not even charizard was prepared for. Mewtwo butchered, beat up, and broke all of Ash's pokemon. But after the training session was complete, each one was more powerful. Now it's the next battle, and Ash is battling a Alola trainer, an electric specialist. Ash didn't think he was a threat whatsoever.

The pokemon even helped in more ways.  Mewtwo taught each of Ashs pokemon had to battle without their trainer, even better than they once did.  Along with that, it taught them lots of survial skills and how to use their head in case something happens to Ash. 

Ref: Trainers, send out your pokemon!

Sophocles: Raichu, let's rev it up!

Ash: Luxray, you're up.

Ref: Battle Begin!

Sophocles: Electric Terrain!

Ash: Elemental fangs and slam it down.

An electric field appeared, and Raichu was moving much faster now. But Raichus' attack was lowered because of Intimate. Luxay didn't care and used all of its fang moves. Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Psychic fangs, and crunch. Luxrays mouth had an aura of power around it, and it was a swirl of colors.

The cat lunged at his opponent and clamped down onto Raichu's tail. The alolan variant screamed in pain and attempted to get rid of it. Luxray clamped down even harder and slammed it onto the ground over and over again. Luxray spit the pokemon out, then grinned. Raichu looked terrified and started to glide around his opponent.

Sophocles: Discharge!

Ash: Double kick.

The electric field hit Luxray, but the cat shrugged it off and hit Raichu in the face with its hind legs. Luxray used the rat's face as a springboard and flew into the air. Raichu looked around for his opponent, but Luxray fell right on top of the rat, while using night slash. Raichu fell, but somehow the rat got back up.

Sophocles: That's the way! Double Team Psychic!

Ash: Hm. This pokemon seems to be pretty bulky, however its damage output could be better, even with its good base stats. Superpower with throat chop, or super chop.

Luxray grinned and lunged at the pokemon. However, Raichu swerved away and made around 10 clones. But Luxray was not to be fooled. The cat's evolution line had a special ability. It can see through objects, and living things aren't objects, but clones are. Luxray just needed to find which one was real. The cat looked around and saw the real one, charging up a devastating psychic. Luxray sprinted towards the rat and jumped at it, pinning it down. Luxray grabbed it with his tail and started beating Raichu up with his paws. Raichu kept trying to escape, but Luxray gave him no mercy, and the rat had been knocked out. But the aftermath was Luxrays defense and attack was lessened.

Ash: Volt switch when the next pokemon appears.

Sophocles: Vikavolt, you're up! X-Scissor!

The bug rushed in with its pincers glowing green, however Luxray just stood there, waiting. The cat stood its opponent down, then fired an electric chain, which grazed the pokemon. Vikavolt made a buzzing noise. The jaw almost hit the cat, however Luxray was returned before that could happen.

Sophocles: COWARD!

Ash: How rude.

The ice type pokemon hits the field with grace and precision. She radiates power and royalty.

Sophocles: We got this Vikavolt! Bug Buzz!

Ash: Terrain change: Version Ice.

Glaceon grinned: the ice evolution knew what to do. She launched a white ball into the sky, and it started hailing. Vikvolt flinched and took some damage and fired a laser of green energy. However, Glaceon intercepted it with a ice beam, and the pokemon made it where the entire field was ice. And the electric terrain dissipated as well.

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