Chapter 33: Plan A

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Ash had spoken to team rocket prior to this were they were going to infiltrate the Johto base, along with Ash's allies. Ash had connections with the champions, so he had recruited some more allies.

The rockets were in front of the Johto base. They were supposed to meet up with Ash's allies, so they were waiting. What they were not expecting was Champion Gold to appear, alongside Leaf and another 2 girls they hadn't seen before.

Gold: Ash is not here. He has another operation to take care of. I am here to help.

James: Leaf, why is the champion here? You know we're criminals right!

Leaf: Ash said we'd need the help. The rockets most likely doubled the base protection, so we need someone with champion level and more just in case.

Girl: Lighten up!

Meowth: And you are?

Girl: Names Dawn talking cat. Friend of Guardians.

Girl 2: I'm May!

Jesse: This is our raid team? A champion, three criminals, and three battlers. We are so dead. How the heck did Aura Guardian even get a champion over here!

Gold: Before Gurdian got over here, he battled a couple of us. He beat all of us pretty easily, but let us keep our titles. And after he took down Lance and Iris, he may or may not have decided to recruit us to his little takedowns. As we speak the other champions are attempting to find the other hideouts.

James: How delightful. If you're done then let us raid.

May and Dawn grinned, then charged into the base. They were met with three grunts guarding the door, however Gold's weavile knocked them out with icy winds. Dawn ran ahead and ran into a grunt on accident. The grunt looked at her and threw out a Magnemite. The pokemon fired a thunder shock, however Dawn's Mamoswine took the attack and stomped on the magnet. They fell, then the grunt fell soon after.

Gold: James, me and you will go take out the cameras and all data. Dawn and Leaf plant the explosives. May, Jesse, and Meowth, you guys are the distraction. And don't kill unless you have to.

Jesse: Who put you in charge?

Gold: Your business partner.

At that, they set out. Gold and James, with help from Jame's Mr Mime, found the data room. James crouched down and uploaded a virus that started deleting files. Unfortunately the alarms went off.

Gold: We are about to be swarmed with grunts, so let's hope you can fight.

James: Just cover me. I'll keep making the virus do its thing, just make sure we don't die.

In front of gold were 5 grunts, each with a powerful selection in front of them. Well for grunts anyway. 2 honchkrow, a jolteon, and two Steelix. Gold looked a little scared for a moment, but ignored it. He sent Typoshlian his starter and ace. The pokemon grinned and fired an eruption.

A giant battle ensued, and during all of that, May was burning the place down. The trio had found a nice open area, filled with cars, bombs, and copies of that gun. Jesse picked one up and pulled the trigger. The bullet screeched towards the wall, making a small hole. The loud noise caused a couple grunts to show up. Jesse and Meowth grinned, both attacking. Jesse with a knife and Meowth with fury swipes.

May: Blaziken, Flamethrower!

The grunts jumped to the side to dodge the flames, along with Meowth and Jesse. The two were not the best at fighting, but neither were the grunts. May picked up a gun and pocketed it, careful to not shoot.

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