Chapter 15: Darkness

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Luckily for the aura guardian, he was already in galar. He teleported himself to the gates of the slumberweed. A young boy was there, with a dubwool. Ash jogged up the gate, kicked it open, and ran in the other. The boy looked confused, then shrugged.

Ash kept on jogging till he saw what he was looking for. He saw the two legendaries, known as Zacian and Zazamenta. Surrounding them was a team of weird grunts. Their uniform had a giant red R on them.

The grunts were fighting the Legendaries, and losing terribly. Ash saw an air ship nearby, and someone who must be their leader stepped out. He had long gray hair, which was covering one of his eyes.

The stranger threw out a Latios, and started fighting Zazamenta. The grunts focused on Zacian, and were still getting pummeled. However, Zazamenta needed back up.

Ash: Sceptile.

Ash's Hoenn ace went wild. He knocked out all the grunts in the matter of 30 seconds. The new arrival didn't even care and just kept battling Zazamenta.

Ash: Draw his attention. Sceptile Go Leaf Blade!

Sceptile stabbed his opponent with a leaf sword, and Latios stumbled a little. While Sceptile was battling it out with Latios, the mysterious man still calling orders, Ash snuck up to Zacian and healed him.

Zacian looked at the trainer with a weird expression, a face Ash had almost never seen. Gratitude. The fairy typed nudged Ash and gave him a rusted-out sword. Ash looked at it and scanned it with Psychic. When nothing came up, he scanned it with Aura.

Ash felt a massive Aura Energy coming from the sword. Ash looked at the legend and put the pieces together. Ash put the sword in the legends mouth, and it transformed it into a pokemon that can rival a mega Rayquaza.

Zacian leapt at Latios, who was tired from fighting sceptile. Sceptile didn't even look winded. Latios was still fighting the 2 legendaries and the ace. The gray haired manic looked at Ash and threw a master ball. However, Sceptile cut it in half.

???: Trainer, leave. This is not your business.

Ash didn't respond but threw an aura sphere at the trainer. The man leapt to the side and glared.

???: An aura guardian? Explains why you're here. No matter.

Before Ash can bring out his weapon, Latios falls. The pokemon took on 2 legendaries and one of Ash's aces. I doubt it could even deal with Ash's ace.

???: Interesting. Fine. If I can't have both, I'll take one!

Mystery man took out a rusted shield. He threw it in the air. Zazamenta went for it, seeing as that's its sacred item. When the legend caught it, it was sucked into a master ball. The man attached a master ball to the shield. Using trickery, the Pokémon now belonged to the mystery man. 

Ash looked furious, right as he was about to kill the man, he disappeared. Along with the master ball.

Zacian looked furious as well. This stupid human just stole his brother! Zacian looked at his ally but didn't blame him. He tried his best but failed. As Zacian scanned the boy, Ash noticed.

The two combatants looked at one another. Zacian with curiosity, Ash with caution. After a quick standoff, Sceptile broke the silence.

Sceptile: (He isn't speaking, but Ash and Zacian can understand him). Master Zacian, I am honored to be in your presence. *Bows

Zacian: Hello young one. No need to bow.

Ash: Zacian I need you to meet someone.

Ash throws out his first legendary capture. A Necrozma. Zacian looks the newcomer up and down and does a small bow.

Necrozma: Hello father. Master Sceptile. Who is this?

Ash: This is Zacian, one of the legendaries of Galar.

Sceptile: Indeed. His brother, Zazmenta, was taken by a mystery man. As Ash's job is to take care of you, Zacians job is to protect Galar.

Zacian: Correct. I believe young trainer that you require me to give some energy to Necrozma?

Ash: That would be correct Master Zacian.

Zacian glows blue, then gives some energy to the other legendary. Necrozma glows yellow, and 10% of their power is restored.

Sceptile: Thank you very much Master Zacian.

Zacian: Anything for a fellow legendary. Now then. Aura Guardian, you will help me get my brother back.

Ash: I believe our goals are entwined. You see, Arceus has told me to make things like what just happened, don't happen. And if it does, fix it. So, I will get your brother back. You have my word.

Zacian: Thank you young one. You are different from the other humans.

Sceptile: *snorts. My master is definitely a strange one.

Zacian: Indeed. Now then, this man. Do you know him?

Ash: I do not. I read his mind, but his name is dug deep. However, I know where he'll be. His next plan is to catch the Legendary birds. Sceptile, we will head to Kanto.

Sceptile: We will head there right now.

Zacian: Not so fast. I need my brother back. And I think the trainer will come back. I cannot deal with his grunts and him at the same time.

Necrozma: Father, he could come with us.

Sceptile: We could protect him.

Ash: It is Master Zacians choice. However, I will deal with the grunts here now.

Ash glowed purple, and all 30 grunts were in a circle. Ash had a thoughtful moment. Ash decided it was cleaner to let them live. He simply wiped their minds and planted fake memories. He then teleported them away to their respective locations.

Zacian: I will go with you. On one condition. You will do everything in your power to save my brother.

Ash: Done.

Zacian grabbed one of Ash's timer balls and caught himself. Ash looked a little proud, annoyed, and shocked all in one.  Sceptile just looked at his trainer and shook his head.  Necrozma looked excited he had a sparring partner. 


Ash was in seafoam cave, currently looking for Artcunio. However, he found the mystery man again, talking with another man.

???: Giovanni, I have captured Artcunio and Zapdos.

Giovanni: Excellent work Tobias. I have caught Moltres. Which legendaries are next?

Tobias: Today's work is done. In a week we will go to Kalos.

After Ash heard that, he teleported all the way to his hotel room. He got on one knee, and instantly fell asleep.

Arceus: Aura Guardian. You will need to go to Kalos right after your battle. Catch Zygarde before the others can. I have informed the pair that you will catch them. Once there, find Xerneas and Yveltal. Warn them. Sleep well aura guardian. And make me proud chosen one.  

Super Nerd here


And predictions for next Pokémon he catch's right here. (beside Zygarde)

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