Chapter 16: 3v3s no more!

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Chapter 16

3v3's no more!

The final 3v3 battle. Whoever won here would advance to the second part.

Clemont is terrified. He's fighting a kid who destroyed Iris and hasn't lost a single pokemon to anyone except her!

Ash wanted to get it over with. He needed to go do his duties.

Ref: Trainers send out your pokemon.

Ash: Breloom. Kill.

Clemont: L-l-luxra-y-y, light i-it u-u-p.

Ref: Battle Begin!

As soon as Luxray hit the field, Breloom began the onslaught. Luxray is hit by a Mach Punch. Once the cat is done skidding, Luxray fires a Thunderbolt, but Breloom just ducks.

Clemont: I-i didn't-t tel-l-l yo-u-u to fire that-t. Ice Fang-g.

Ash: What a mess. Breloom, stone edge, then seed bomb.

Luxray lunges at his prey, but breloom just shoots a stone in its mouth. Breloom fires 3 seeds in the air, and all land on top of the cat. Luxray gets up with shaky legs, but Breloom just uppercuts him, then fires a sludge bomb.

Clemont: Magenzone, Go! Discharge-e.

Ash: Absorb the lightning, then fire it back.

The lightning is shot out and into Breloom. Who just grins and uses his tail as a rode. After the lightning is all into Breloom, the plant rushes at Magnezone and hits the steel type in the face.

Ash: Brick Break, Mach punch, and Low Sweep.

Breloom makes his two fists glow, and his feet. He jabs twice, then roundhouse kicks. Magenzone fires a flash cannon, which almost lands, however Breloom just chops it in half, then fires 5 rocks. The rocks land, and Magenzone is buried alive.

Clemont: Chesnaught, Hammer arm.

Ash: Chesnaught? Interesting. Well let's do this. Catch it.

The arm swings right into Brelooms face, who catches it with his claws, and makes his fist lightning. Chesnaught grunts in pain, and Breloom tries to uppercut the starter. Chesnaught is hit, but doesn't move.

Clemont: Good job, lets go-

Chesnaught roars, then glares at his trainer. Ash reads his mind and notices Clemont is a terrible trainer. Like a really, really really bad one. None of his pokemon obey him, and all of them hate him.

Ash: This is easier than I thought! Sludge bomb.

The two fighters were still in a standstill. Chesnaught gave it his all, while Breloom looked bored. But as soon as the order was given, Breloom fired a sludge bomb from its mouth. Chesnaught walked back, but Breloom didn't even give him an inch. A barrage of kicks, jabs, punches, and chops rain on top of chesnaught. And with the final mach punch, Chesnaught is defeated.

Ref: Chesnaught is unable to battle, Breloom wins. So, the victory goes to Ash.

Clemont looks like he's about to cry and walks up to his competitor. He holds up his hand, but Ash just looks at him and walks off. This hurt even more. Breloom grins at his trainer. Ash returns him, and teleports to Kalos.

Ash is in a giant underground lake. He looks around and turns on his Psychic vision. About 1 thousand tiny Zygarde cells are seen, and in the middle of the lake are 0% Zygarde cores.

Z1: Hello!

Ash: Greetings Master Zygardes.

Z2: Father has told us you need our energy. And that you will capture us. Do you swear you won't exploit us and will treat us fairly.

Ash: Yes, master Zygarde.

Z1: Throw out your Legendaries old chap!

Ash raises his eyebrows, but compiles. Necrozma and Zacian appear.

Z1: Thanks mate. Now, Necrozma. Here's your energy.

Necrozma gains 20% of their power back.

Ash throws two ultra balls and captures the Zygarde's. He returns his legendaries. He teleports to a nearby forest. He broadcast his mind to the entire forest.

Ash: Hear me! You need to plan, hide, do anything. Queen Xerneas, you need to flee. Bad people are going to capture you. I promise this. I need you to stay safe. Please.

Xerneas: Young one, thank you for the warning.

Ash nods, and teleports away once again. No one knew where the bird resided, so Ash simply broadcasted his mind to the entire region. However, he made it so only wild pokemon can hear him.

Ash: Listen good and listen well. Yveltal, you need to hide. I know you're doing that now, but also stay on guard. People will come for you. I have warned your counterpart and have caught the Zygarde cores. Stay hidden.

Yveltal: I hear you aura guardian. And I believe you. Goodbye, and thank you for the warning.

Ash teleports himself into his room and sleeps. 

I know this is a really short chapter, but I just needed to get it over with so I can write the next one which is gonna be massive, I hope.  It contains training, explanation, drama, maybe some romance.  

Thanks for the reads, and I have great day my poke hunters! (I know I know it's weird but roll with it)

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