Chapter 11: Savagery

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The champions of the regions were having a meeting. This meeting had one topic. The competitors of the league.

To help keep track.

Kanto: Lance

Johto: Gold

Hoenn: Steven

Sinnoh: Cynthia

Unova: Iris

Kalos: Diantha

Aloha: Gladion

Galar: Leon

Paldea: Nemona

World Champion: Cynthia

Leon: Anyone have any bets who's gonna win it all?

Iris: I think I will win! None of these little kids can beat me!

Dinatha: My trainee Calem. He is quite powerful.

Lance: Gary Oak will win. He is a powerful trainer.

Steven: I think we're out of the run. Hoenns main competitors were all knocked out by the mutey.

Gladion: No clue on my side. None are strong, seeing as the Professor decided not to compete this one.

Gold: No one for Johto.

Leon: My brother Goh (I'm aware his brother is Hop, not Goh, but hop doesnt exist and Goh is in his place) has a chance to make it to the top 10. He is a powerful trainer.

Neomona: No one from Paldea is competing, so I think the one called Paul has a chance.

Cynthia: He is from my region. A powerful trainer, but relies on brute strength. My pick is Ash Ketchum.

*cue gasp

Cynthia: I allowed him to be a trainer and look how far he's made it.

Iris: He will go against me soon, so he's going home.

Cynthia: Do not underestimate him, Iris.

Lance: He can't even command his Pokémon. How will he ever beat all of us, the strongest trainers in the world! That kid called me a flying master. I'll show him.

Steven: Every trainers got a shot. We should never underestimate an opponent.

Gold: I agree. I don't know this Ash. Why does everyone hate him?

Cynthia: There are many reasons, but the main one is that he's different. He is mute, and can still thrash you around. People are either jealous of his skills or hate him because he hates Gary Oak.

Nenoma: Who's Gary Oak?

Lance: Gary Oak is my soon to be successor. The best trainer in the league, beside us.

Gladion: I doubt that. This Gary doesn't seem very good. Compared to Ash at least.

Lance: He is a great trainer! Me and him battled, and he took out my Dragonite!

Cynthia: I can take out your dragonite with my Glaceon. Ash is my champion.

Leon: I could care less. As long as he can give me a champion time, I like him.

Gold: Of course that's what you want.


The friend group, excluding Iris, is talking about the tournament so far. And things are getting pretty heated.

May: All I'm saying is I'm ok with getting knocked out. My mentor is a good trainer. And a good looking one.

Serena: You think he could train me?

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