Back at the ministry, Harry had fallen asleep waiting for either Madam Bones or Minister Fudge to collect him from where he was seated in a waiting area, after his visit to Gringotts'.
Even though the chairs didn't make for a comfortable resting place, he still welcomed the sleep he could get after such a very busy evening and night - he was still only 13 years old, and even a teen couldn't just stay up all nights (at least not without consequences).
As he was shaken awake by an office worker, a different one than the one who brought him breakfast and led towards the office he'd been in before - he guessed it was the office of Madam Bones.
The office worker knocked, before opening the door, and letting him in. Once inside he was once again greeted by the Minister, Madam Bones and strangely Professor Dumbledore.
Fudge hummed as he saw him, "ah Harry, here you are, my boy, it would seem the mystery around your magical guardian has been solved, no?"
Harry looked at the minister, a questionable look on his face, "how so?"
This had the adults in the room, looking at Professor Dumbledore, "Well, Professor Dumbledore has come forward as being your magical guardian, who you just haven't seen because of his very busy schedule, he assured us he has been by your relatives' house and assured us everything is just fine. It must have been a misunderstanding, no?"
Even Madam Bones didn't say anything else, which stroke Harry as odd, seeing as the woman had been very on the fence about his treatment and assured him someone would be by to check on his relatives later.
A look from Dumbledore didn't sit well with him, but he played along, not wanted to find out. Or at least not, yet, what was going on here - for there was very obviously something going on, something that made him assume Dumbledore was behind.
"It must have been indeed a misunderstanding, sir, maybe its because I don't really get along with my uncle's sister, that is became too much for me."
As he said this, he could see, out of the corner of his eye, that Dumbledore relaxed, as if something he did came in effect. In all, it didn't sit all that well with Harry - and he wanted to get onto the bottom of that, just not right now.
So as the minister took his leave he just smiled at the man and followed Dumbledore out of Madam Bones' office towards the apparition point. There Dumbledore instructed him to old on to the man's arm.
Once they landed, Harry could see they were in the leaky Cauldron, the patrons looking up and waving or calling out to Dumbledore, who just smiled and waved as well, before leading Harry towards a room where his truck was in - which again was very odd, seeing as his truck had been locked away in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursleys.
"Harry, my boy, you must know you aunt and uncle were very worried when you just took off into the night. They expressed to me that they were worried something was very wrong with you, as you had been moody all night and even most of the summer. I hope it is nothing to worry about."
Harry shook his head, keeping his head down and for some reason not looking into the eyes of the wizard in front of him, his gut feeling was telling him to not do it.
"I don't know what is going on, professor, maybe I'm just entering puberty or something. I of course didn't mean to worry my relatives, especially not when they were so good to take me in after my parents died."
At the nod he received from the other man, he almost had to bit his lip, finally seeing just why the hat wanted him in Slytherin, he'd always had a fair hand in self-preservation, and this hadn't changed, he had just, for some reason not listened to it, nor to his gut-feeling from the moment he had met Hagrid."