Ch 18

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Albus Dumbledore didn't know what had happened, he had gotten a signal that the wars on Privet Drive had fallen, meaning Harry Potter hadn't been there for a month, not only that - but it also meant he wouldn't be able to renew the wards on the house.

Grinding his teeth, he made his way to the muggle street. Anger on his face visible enough that people went out of their way to not crow his path.

Not noticing that he went and knocked on the door, Vernon opened the door, a glare on his purplish face.

"The boy isn't here."

Dumbledore hissed through his teeth, "I know that Dursley, I am here to ask you where he is."

Vernon shrugged his shoulders, "wouldn't know and don't really care, he was gone when we came home one night. Good riddance, I say."

Dumbledore glared, "you had one job, Durley, to look after the Potter boy, you get paid enough to look after the brat."

Vernon glared right back, "I never wanted the little freak under my roof, and no amount of money will make me glad to house the boy. Now, leave, you are not welcome here."

When the man turned towards him, Dumbledore slipped into his mind, but couldn't find anything indicating the boy had been kidnapped, for all that he knew the brat had run away.

He knew after the boy's third year; he might just have to alter his mind to make sure his little weapon would do just as he needed to do. After all, they didn't need that half breed gaining any more leeway than he had been getting. Never again like in the last war.

Nodding to himself as he made his way back to the street and to a secluded point to apparate, he thought about making sure some of his faithful could imitate a Death Eater raid, to frighten the people of the Wizarding World once more - making sure the Dark Fraction, and with them the non-humans came to power.

While he was leaving, neither he, nor Vernon noticed the neighbour of number 6, who had heard everything, including the fact that the Dursley family hadn't reported the disappearance of their nephew on the ground that they just didn't like the boy.

She knew the rumours that circulated about the Potter boy, but all she ever saw him doing was yard work, housework, and going to the supermarket a street away.

The Dursley boy on the other hand, was known to bully and even hurt others in the neighbourhood. He had made a name for himself with the local police, but as most of the charges were dropped soon after for some reason, nothing every came from it.

However, now, with what she heard, she was scared for the Potter boy, who knew what had happened, for all she knew they would find his body in a dich somewhere.

Shaking her head, and biting her lip, Mrs. Watson made her way back inside and called the police, telling them all she had heard, as well of what she knew both of the Potter boy, the Dursley Boy and the Dursley couple. After contemplating, she also added what she knew about the old man who had come to the Dursley's door.

Closer to South-America, Remus and Sirius looked up when Hedwig arrived with a letter for them.

Looking at the name on it, they tore it open when Harry's name was written on it.

Reading over the letter, their eyes widened before they looked at each other. After Harry's third year, they had some time to think a lot of things through, as well as to reconnect with each other. 12 years without one's mate was a long time after all.

Together they had come to the conclusion that they didn't trust Albus Dumbledore, not after knowing the man was the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamont, meaning he could have called for a trial when Sirius was taken, knowing that he wasn't the Potter's secret keeper.

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