staying, the place they arrived at looking like an old temple, which made sense as Naga had been worshiped as gods at one point.
Moving forward into the temple, both Harry and Tom couldn't help but look around as the murals and carvings on the walls depicted times of old, back when the Muggles and Magic Community had lived together peacefully, allowing couplings to bloom which in the end resulted in Wizards and Witches.
A voice in front of them had them looking up, seeing a centaur and a satyr standing there, a spear at the ready for the strange people daring to get to close. Tom held out his hands, while Harry made his way closer revealing the tail hidden behind the rubble.
Both of the men in front of them gaped, before the centaur came to his senses, "you must be Prince Mohinder's grandson."
Harry nodded, even if the prince comment threw him off, "I am, my companion is also of Naga descent, just too deluded to come into his inheritance."
The centaur nodded again, "my name is Chiron, it brings me joy to know that our Prince isn't the last one left."
Harry nodded, "we are just as pleased to know there is one knowledgeable to help us understand our inheritances. Most of our knowledge comes from books and the house elves at the Slytherin Keep, instead of our ancestors."
Chiron grimaced, "the time of the great Naga is over, which brings us all much sadness."
Harry followed the others, coming into what could only described as a city, houses out of the rumble forming most of what they could see, a marketplace was set up not far from where they entered the city, creatures of al kinds roaming the streets, buying things at the market, or talking to others, or even children playing on the streets.
It made both Tom and Harry look as this was what they hoped would be in the near future all around the world, a possibility for everyone to go back to this - to now get persecuted for not being fully human and accepting that part of yourself. Instead of denying it, like the Light side was prone to do.
The moment people started to notice Harry and Tom, silence fell around the marketplace, more than one person staring after them - no doubt not believing what they were seeing.
Chiron led them to a house on the other side of the marketplace, the way it looked older and more put together than the others made them suspect it had been there for a long time already. Chiron knocked on the front door, before opening it and beckoning Harry and Tom to enter.
Entering the well lid house, they moved towards the fireplace, seeing an older man sitting there, reading - he looked over as they stopped close to him, his green eyes showing Harry where his mother, and he, got them from.
"Hadrian, Thomas."
Tom grimaced, "it's just Tom, it's not short for anything."
Mohinder smiled, "Tom then, it is still a strong name, meaning innocence and purity, origins are Greek, and as I said, a strong name for our new Lord of Dark Magic."
Tom grimaced, making Harry take over, "it's a pleasure to meet you, grandfather, Tom and I are overjoyed to be here, to meet you and to learn from you. We were both surprised at the village in these ruins."
Mohinder smiled at his grandson, looking at the other Naga-born, something was wrong there if the man grimaced like that at hearing his Title.
"I am likewise pleased to meet you, Grandson, Tom. I hope we can have a great time while you are both here. It pleases me, as it will please the others, that I am no longer the last one."
Harry smiled, "yes, Chiron told us something like that, he also called you Prince Mohinder?"
The older man laughed, "caught on to that, have you?"