Ch 26

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They spent just under a month in India, 3 weeks in total, with Mohinder and the commune closed off from the outside world, protecting them when no one else was able to. They managed to meet everyone who lived there, and were shocked to find that a lot of people they thought to be dead were here - had been rescued by the most unlikely of beings.

When they mentioned this to Mohinder, that they had a list of all the children that had been killed under Dumbledore's misguided view, the older Naga had asked to see this list. Per coincidence Tom carried it with him and showed it to the older man.

Said man promptly started laughing, before mentioning them to follow, as he lead them through the commune, he pointed out someone and point to the list, making Tom and Harry realise that these people weren't dead at all, someone, or something, had rescued them in the last possible moment, bringing them here to keep them safe and away from Dumbledore's influences.

"But how?"

Mohinder had grinned, "a good friend of mine watches over the school and intervenes every time Dumbledore tries to have a creature child killed. He still hasn't been discovered and most likely never will. After all, Phoenixes are known to be creatures of the light, and as such would never harm the so called 'lord of light magic'".

Both Harry and Tom stopped for a moment at that, looking at each other, before looking at Mohinder, "Fwakes protects them all?"

Mohinder nods, "he had watched over the school for years, having been brought in as Godric Gryffindor's familiar. When the Lord was dying, he asked the phoenix to stay and look over everything. Especially with him being the last to die, he feared that without them there, there might be others that would twist the olde ways and try to use the school as a hunting ground, instead of the learning institution it was meant for."

"Why not take the children back to their families?"

Mohinder sighed, "because some of these families would believe Dumbledore before their own child, especially those light inclined, which would mean they were lost to us forever. We tried that option first, but we found that too many children still ended up dead, it was probably those that were found in pieces soon after.

It hurt all of us to know a child's life was snuffed out all because some old fool believed he knew better than those that had lived the better times. There is always space for improvement, I am aware, but I also know that countless other headmasters let known creature children attend Hogwarts, it's only since Dumbledore became a teacher that this was slowly banned, and the missing children case started. But by the time anyone noticed, he had erased important parts of the olde history, making it so that generations of Magicals didn't know their roots and relied on the information he was giving them to survive."

Tom shook his head, "which we're beginning to see the effect off, the squib rate is only increasing, as is the number of stillbirths or even miscarriages, and yet no one notices this all started when he stuck his crooked nose into business much larger than himself."

Mohinder nodded sadly, "they won't see it unless someone points it out to them, Tom, that is sadly the way a lot of people try to keep blind to the problems going around."

The Dark Lord scoffed, which had Harry agreeing with the other man, to know that there were generations out there who had ancestors who had tried to tell them how it had been, or how it was, and they hadn't believed that because the Great albus Dumbledore had told them otherwise.


Now, after these three weeks in India, they had written notebooks full of information they wouldn't have been able to find anywhere else, even more, they had a source that knew more than they knew about all of this. After all, Mohinder had been around when the purges started, so he still remembered how it had been once upon a time and loved telling about that.

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