Ch 19

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The first meeting between him and Draco went very differently than the one they had before their first year at Hogwarts. For one, the Malfoy kept staring at him when he entered the sitting room. Narcissa finally slapping her son's shoulder to make him stop staring.

Rubbing the shoulder, while looking at his mother, Draco turned back towards Harry.

"Wow, Potter, I would not have guessed this could happen to you."

Harry shrugged, "I accepted that weird and unexplainable things happen to me, this just happens to be one of them."

The blond chuckled, "that a good way to deal with it, I know some other Half-bloods who go through their transformation freak out, or don't know what is happening to them. Same with some of the Muggleborns."

Harry blinked, "Slytherin gets Muggleborns?"

Draco grimaced, "not a lot, no, most of them get scared away by the propaganda the Light sprouts. But we have a group in Hogwarts for people who transformed, or who we are sure will around their 15th birthday. No one just ever suspected you."

Sighing, Harry nodded, "I had one of those suppressor necklaces from the Goblins, seeing as I was sure Dumbledore could never find out that I was transforming, and with what I know now, that was the best move I could make."

Draco nodded, "we know of several others that Dumbledore make disappear, after they transformed. He just doesn't like creature inheritances, even less in the Dark community, where we embrace them as they should be embraced - after all these are our ancestors too, without them we wouldn't have magic."

Harry nodded, "yeah, I've been reading about that, I must say that the way the Light has twisted our history is disgusting. People who are from Light families might even be repulsed by themselves, just because of their transformation."

Draco nodded too, a sad look on his face, "it's the reason Dumbledore has it out for Slytherins. We're the known fraction that have the most creature inheritances, with most of us introducing new creature blood every few generations. With all of us marrying each other too, there's always a steady flow of magical blood.

All the while the Light has a record of squibs, stillborn and miscarriages, because they keep marrying others with too little magic in their blood or marrying and copulating with muggles - thinning the magic in their offspring to the point the foetus isn't viable."

Looking down with a frown on his face, Harry continued, "I heard from Tom that he tried to warn the others, and he was making quite some leeway, at least until Dumbledore started spreading the rumour that he was secretly a Dark Lord, with followers willing to kill to bring their message across."

Draco scoffed, "the most insane part of that is that none of us have ever Death Eaters, followers of the Dark Lord, yes, because he was given the go ahead from Mother Magic to help us restore the balance. We want total separation from the Muggles, not to kill them."

Sighing, Harry asked, "then what does Dumbledore want to accomplish by joining the Magical community, and the muggle one. It would never work, not when we are still so different, most muggles don't do well with things they don't understand."

Draco nodded, "that's just the thing, Dumbledore wants to use the Muggles to exterminate the Magic Community, and with it all the creatures that inhabit it, all of those that he doesn't understand. Or that according to him and his supporters aren't made to be in their community, too beasty or too savage."

Scoffing Harry said, "and this is the same man that does raids in Tom's Voldemort Persona, jeopardising our community and trying to turn the general public against us."

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