Ch 21

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Luna had to look around the entrance hall she and her father had arrived in, after the letter she had gotten from Harry she had expected this to happening, especially when she had gotten his question about the articles he wanted to have published.

She had talked it over with her dad, about what she knew about her friend, as well as what they wanted to achieve in the coming moments - with this she had also told her father about what Harry would have becoming, much to his amazement.

Her father didn't have a creature inheritance, he had some different genes in his blood, but none of them enough to transform, not that this held him back to try and help those of their community who were - like his wife and daughter - to help them, give them information hidden in sometimes ridiculous articles.

This, the question from Harry Potter - the first Naga in generations, who had joined the Dark Lord in an effort to get their community informed about where they came from, and where Wizards and witches started from.

Something that they all wanted to help with, more people than most knew wanted to stop hiding that they were less human than others, especially with Albus Dumbledore still standing high in the Magical Community, trying to get others convinced that they needed to join the Muggle World and eradicate the magical creatures - or more correctly - all those that he sees as dangerous and too feral.

Hearing footsteps, both the blonds turned towards the staircase, seeing the Dark Lord descending the stairs, Harry as his side, his tail trailing behind them - making her father gape at seeing as actual Naga in front of him.

Tom nodded, "Ms. Lovegood, Xenophillius, welcome to the Slytherin Keep, thank you both for coming."

Luna nodded and bowed, before she hurried forward to hug her friend around his middle, happy to see him again, and so very happy to know everything was alright - she had worried about that.

"Harry, I am so happy to know you were here, and safe! I know I already said it in my letter, but still, I am so happy to see you here. And look at you, you look magnificent!"

Xenophillius, exchanging looks with Tom, grinned, before putting his hands on his daughter's shoulder, "Luna-love, breath, your friend is alright, but no need to stop breathing."

Luna bushed, but nodded, "of course, dad. I am sorry, Harry."

Harry grinned and waved a hand, "no problem, Luna, I knew you were scared about me, it's one of the reason I, we, invited you here. To go over the plan of approach we came up with."

Tom nodded, "we also wanted to ask if you were willing to do so, I am not Dumbledore, as such I don't want to have to order anyone to do anything they don't want to."

Xenophillius nodded, following Tom and Harry when they lead the way to one of the sitting rooms, taking a seat together with Luna on one of the couches in the room, looking at both men in front of him, a smile on his face.

"Xenophillius, you know I never would ask this of you if I had found any other way of getting this news out, but the Quibbler is the most respected magazine in the Community, and this is news we need to get out as soon as possible."

Nodding again, Xeno smiled at the Dark Lord, "I know this, My Lord, but I wouldn't mind doing anything that can help us, and you, to reach the balance once again. This time we had with Dumbledore in power needs to stop."

Tom sighed, before starting to tell the other man that they wanted to get out that there was a Naga once again, a young one, but one that wanted to take up the duty his ancestors used to do - judge, jury, and mediator.

Add to that, the stories they both had, which pictured Dumbledore as the man he actually was, instead of the persona he showed to the world. Hoping that with them telling the world about what happened to them, others will also come forward with their story too - making it possible to go above the UK community, to the European, or even global Wizarding body, to build a case against Albus Dumbledore.

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