Ch 2

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Getting out of the fireplace at Gringotts, Harry coughed a few times, even if this was a direct line, he had to be honest with himself in saying he didn't like to use the Floo.

Shaking his head, he took a moment to compose himself, looking around the entrance hall of the Bank, a look of awe on his face at the marvellous structures he could see all around him.

Finally composing himself, he took a step in the direction of a line forming in front of one of the tellers. Seeing as it was kind of late at the moment, there were still quite a lot of people around, and apparently willing to settle bank affairs this late on the evening.

Shaking his head, he just kept on following the que, hoping the Goblins would be able to help him make sense of this whole situation.

When it was finally his turn, the goblin in front of him, took one look, before barking something in its own language, which made another goblin take him away to what he assumed was a private room.

An older goblin entered, took one look at him, and nodded.

"Mister Potter, Madam Bones met us know you would be showing up here soon. Could you explain what it is, that we can do for you?"

Harry nodded, "I am in search of my Magical guardian, seeing as abuse allegations against my relatives have shown up. But I never knew I had such a person in my life."

The goblin in front on his frowned, "this is indeed odd, we shall help. Shortest way to this answer is by a blood test, which will also reveal your assets here at the bank, as well as any other statements the bank had ever recorded linked to your magical signature.

Do you consent to this?"

Harry nodded, making the goblin grin, as he rummaged through his desk for a roll of paper an athame and a potion.

Poring the potion over the parchment, he handed the athame over to Harry, "we would need a few drops of blood, if you will."

Taking the athame, Harry slid into his finger, wincing slightly as he did so.

Blood welled up and he made sure to drop in onto the coated parchment.

After about 5 drops, the goblin held up has hand, signalling Harry taking his hand from over the parchment and gave a bandage to wrap around his finger - as to make sure blood wouldn't keep on spilling.

As soon as his finger was wrapped, Harry took a look at the parchment in the middle of the desk. The goblin too, was looking at it quite interested, making Harry all the more exciting for what was to happen next - after all, he loved each and every kind of magic, so to see some he hadn't seen before was very interesting.

His blood, which had been spilled, stayed on the parchment for a moment seemingly together like a very red gem. However not long after the got pulled into the parchment, and seemingly dispersed all over it, making lines, words and sentences appear.

The Goblin who it seemed had kept a close eye on one of the corners of the roll, gasped, before turning to look at Harry.

"Mister Potter, have you been feeling ill recently?"

Harry nodded, very carefully, "I have."

The goblin nodded, before opening the door and barking something so most likely another goblin standing there.

Nodding once at the answer he received, the goblin closed the door again and turned to Harry.

"What you have been feeling, Mister Potter is the manifestation of a creature inheritance. Many might not know this, but humans as a species are not capable to wield magic. Most of the old wizarding families have at least some notion of it, but what it comes down it is that the first old families showed sign of magic after their parents produced a child with a magical creature.

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