Harry tilted his head as his mother said that, "but neither you, nor dad, are Indian."
Lily grimaced, "we don't look like it no, but my mother, and I suspected my father were, but to fit in more with my adoptive family, I used magic to semi-permanent alter my appearance to fit in more as I was bullied a bit as a child for my darker skin."
My adoptive parents, when they noticed that moved away from the town they lived in, to cover up that their daughter had seemingly changed her ethnicity. Especially seeing as they were muggles, they didn't understand until years after when Professor McGonagall came and gave me the magic speech."
Harry hummed, "that makes sense... is this, why Petunia hated magic?"
Lily sighed, "it started there yes, Petunia always liked things normal, and the say every day of the year. So, when our parents brought me home, a darker skinned redhead, who over time managed to adjust her ethnicity, she thought I was the devil or something.
She never said it so outright, or even called me that to my face, especially not in front of our parents, but she did make sure I was bullied in school for being odd."
Harry hummed again, looking down, even if he was happy to have this moment with his mom.
"Did dad know, about this?"
Lily nodded, "I had a blood test done to see who my parents were, but before we could start searching for your grandfather, we went into hiding. It should still be stored at Gringotts, in the main Potter vault. But yes, your father knew what I carried in my blood, and he knew what could happen to you at your 15th birthday."
Nodding, Harry looked further away, "and he didn't mind?"
Lily shook her head, a frown on her face, "no, Harry, of course he didn't mind. Why would he mind?"
Harry shrugged, "from what I heard most of the light side want to restrict the magical creature community, and even kill some of them off. I heard from more than one person, if Dumbledore were to find out I was turning into a Naga, he would either spell me, or kill me."
Lily sighed, "this is true for a lot of the newer generations, Muggleborns, and those who forgot just where we come from, and how it is that we have magic in the first place. Your father, and the Potters, are a house descended from Gryffindor house, so they have quite the lineage and never forgot where they came from.
Also, the Potter have been mostly neutral, until your grandparents and father, marrying to many different families, so the genes in their blood are very versatile."
Harry started fidgeting, happy that his dad would have accepted him as he was, or better how he was becoming.
"What about Remus and Sirius?"
Lily giggled, "sweetie, Remus is a werewolf, so he would be hypocritical if he didn't accept you. And Sirius is a Black, there are a family where the creature blood is still strong and is rumoured to be renewed every few generations – so he too is not in the position to have a problem with it."
Harry sighed, a wet sob coming out of his throat, making Lily come over and hug him, even if it didn't feel like a real hug, with her being a spectre, the thought still counted and did him great joy.
"Oh, sweetheart, were you scared you would lose them?"
Harry nodded, his face hidden in his hands, "they are the last link I have to you and dad, with you being in the afterlife, I... I want to have at least some part of you close by, and the only way I can have that is by your best friends."
Lily sighed, "I think they are just as afraid to lose you, and their last connection to us, as you are to lose them, love. They might have a bit trouble with seeing your alliances right now, but they will understand, having experienced the discrimination from the light side first-hand, just because they are a werewolf and a Black.