Waking up came very slowly for Harry, the last thing he remembered was talking to his mom, which only made tears gather in his eyes. He had seen and spoken to his mom, something he had dreamed of doing since he had seen pictures of her, and his dad.
Thinking back about what his mom had told him, made him contemplate on what he wanted to do now. For one, he was quite sure some time had passed since he arrived with Tom and Lord Malfoy.
He also knew that his parents were thinking about switching sides, or at least urning neutral, as they didn't agree with a lot of the goals the light side had sprouted about, especially since so many of their friends were a magical being, or were more being than human.
Not only that, but his mother had assured him he wouldn't lose Sirius and Remus, not because of this, they wanted him safe and happy. Which as he transformed, would be something achieved on the Dark Side, instead of the Light one.
To know his mom had been adopted, had come as a shock, especially knowing that she had used accidental magic to change her appearance to fit in with her adoptive family more than before. Which had even carried on to him, only to change, now that he was coming, or had come into his inheritance.
Slowly opening his eyes, he closed them again, and groaned, the light shining out from the windows hurt his eyes, so either it was noon, or his eyes had changes already. He wondered how this would affect him, as he had suspected not to have his eyes changed – even if he would be happy to not have to wear glasses ever again.
Closing his eyes again, he tried to get adjusted to the light, opening his eyes again, he noticed the brightness was less harsh, if still a little bit too much. But he could open his eyes again without hurting himself.
Once adjusted to the light, he tried to get up, only to feel the changes that had happened to his body. For one, he couldn't just swing his legs out of bed anymore, especially as he noticed he didn't even have legs anymore.
Blinking, he looked sown to where his feet should be, noticing they had merged into the tail he was now sporting. The tail extended about three meter further than his legs would have gone and was a dark green, almost black colour, a mix between his hair colour and eye colour if he had to guess.
His tail started just above his navel, with the first scales around his midriff, even if those were flesh coloured, and as his mom told him, darker than he was used to seeing on his own skin. They looked just like his skin, it was only when he felt over them that he didn't feel skin, but scales.
Rightening himself, he could see the pants he had worn the last time he had been awake next to the bed, torn apart by the transformation he had gone through. Hit t-shirt was whole though, nothing out of the ordinary on the top part of his body.
Going back to his tail, he moved his hands over it, feeling the rougher and thicker scales, the more he went to the bottom. At his waist he felt the scales, but they were softer and not as think, as those scales he felt lower on his tail.
Moving slightly, he found that he did have control over the muscles he had in the tail, which was a relief, he would hate to have to relearn how to move on his tail. He had read somewhere that he could take on a more human shape and move around like he used to do. But he had a tail now, in his main form. Not only that, but he had gone through this change because of circumstances, he had prepared for this, even if seeing the change was still something of a shock.
Shaking his head, Harry had to smile, he had prepared for this and looked forward to finding more of what had changed in these hours, or maybe even days, he had been asleep. He also looked forward to this new part of his life.
Smiling wider, he made an effort to get out of bed, noticing that he could just support his body with his tail, even if his tail had been longer than he first anticipated, making it roughly 5 meters, instead of the 3ish he fist through it to be. Keeping his balance was luckily the same as on his legs, and the new muscles around his core helped with that.