Ch 20

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Remus and Sirius didn't know what they had to expect, but they did know that they needed to see their godson and know that he was safe. They knew, logically, that he would be safer here in the Dark Lord's mansion, then he would ever be under Dumbledore's nose - but that still didn't comfort them.

Both of them remembered the talks they used to have with James and Lily, about the possibility that Dumbledore was wrong, and they needed to accept the creature part of them. Needed them even, to make sure Magical Humans kept on existing, and could exist just like they did before - when the Magical Community and Magic Community were one.

But still, to be here now, without Lily and James, because the man whose house they were in, was responsible for them losing Lily and James.

"Black, Lupin."

Turning at the sound of their names, they were met with Lucius Malfoy, someone they had thought about contacting, next to Severus Snape, together with James and Lily.

Both of them nodded, "Malfoy."

Lucius nodded back, "follow me, I'll bring you to your godson."

Following the blond to the second floor, they saw him knocking on a door, with a voice, not their godson's beckoning them to enter. Making sure to be careful, they entered the door cautiously. Only to stop and stare once they entered.

Because there, in front of the fireplace was their godson, almost the same as they remembered him being, only that his skin was darker, and his legs were replaced with a tail - a snake's tail.

Sirius gaped, while Remus approached, "Harry?"

Beaming up at them, their godson approached them and hugged first Remus, and then Sirius once he stopped gaping.

"You're a Naga, did... was Lily, right?"

Harry nodded, "mom was of Naga descent at least from her Mother's side, we don't know anything about my grandfather yet. What we do know however, is that in me the ratio was larger than with mom, together with the Basilisk venom and Phoenix tears, they made it possible for me to present as a Naga."

Sirius gaped again, "but... there hasn't been a Naga descendant who presented for hundredth of years."

"We're well aware of that, Black."

Turning, they were made aware of the Dark Lord, Lucius and Narcissa sitting in the room with them. Nodding to all three of them, they turned back to Harry.

"I have been gathering information about what a Naga really is, seeing as we can't really ask anyone. But between the books left by the Slytherin family, and the memories from the House elves here at the Slytherin Keep, we were able to piece together different pieces of the puzzle."

Looking at Harry, before turning to the Dark Lord, Sirius asked, "what does Slytherin have to do with all this."

Harry looked at them, "because next to me, Tom is also of Naga descent, just not enough to present."

Looking at the Dark Lord, Sirius nodded, "which is why you were able to take on that snake face?"

Tom grimaced, "no, that would be Albus Dumbledore masquerading as me in an effort to thwart me in any way - to try and keep the general populace from finding out that we did come from a pairing between a Muggle and a Magical Creature.

That we aren't a new evolution, or whatever dogma he's been trying to feed them all, he just doesn't want to believe that. It's the same reason he believes his Muggleborn mother over what is written down in the history books, the same books he banned from being taught. As well as the same books that he burned or had destroyed in ignorance."

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