Harry nodded, "I wouldn't put it past the great Albus Dumbledore to see his pawns as expendable, especially when said pawns start to get their own ideas."
Seeing Tom look at him, Harry explained what had happened the summer after his second year, when he first started experiencing a change in his body, and when he went to the goblins to find out by blood test. He also explained that he had been at the ministry with them saying they would look into his home situation. Only for him to come back from Gringotts and find that the great Albus Dumbledore had comforted the Minister, and Madam Bones, so they didn't see a reason to look into the issue anymore.
Tom sighed, "he did the same thing with me. I grew up in a Catholic orphanage during the second world war, it was run by a mix of nuns and regular religious people, so I don't have to paint a picture what it was like in there for someone like us.
They believed I was possessed by the devil, and had the local pastor come by multiple times to perform an exorcism. Which of course didn't help anything, making them believe I was a demon, or a devil, or whatever. Which didn't help it in any case."
Taking a deep breath, Tom continued, "Dumbledore was the one to bring me my letter, and he was civil and even enjoyable up until I mentioned I spoke Parsletongue, revealing I did have a creature inheritance lurking in my bloodline. He cut his visit short, and I tried multiple times to get his attention before I even started Hogwarts. But he just kept on ignoring me, always looking for a way to get me in trouble, or to blame something on me.
I never did get out of the orphanage, I just up and left as soon as I became 16, wanting nothing to do with that place anymore. I went to look for my father, and at least see him once, let him know that I did exist – as by then I had discovered my mother had doused him with love potions, which had a lasting effect on him and his health.
I ran into my uncle that day and found out later – much later – that Morfin Gaunt had gone to the Riddle mansion and killed my father and paternal grandparents in a rage, as he knew I was magically stronger than he was, and would get first claim on the Slytherin heirship, whereas he was little more than a squib."
Tom stopped talking for a moment, making Harry ponder on why they were telling this to each other, not 2 months ago they believed the other to be enemies, but now, here they were, telling their whole life story to the other without it feeling odd or awkward.
"Dumbledore suspected me of doing it and made sure to have me questioned about the case before they arrested and convicted my uncle. I was let go after I gave memory prove that they had been alive when I left – something I later found out was illegal, as I was still a minor."
Harry sighed, "do we have any idea why Dumbledore is so against magical creatures, after all, we all got our magic from them, making them our distant cousins all the same. So, for the magical community to shun the magic community in such a way that some beings are classified as a threat or have legislation after legislation trust upon them doesn't make any sense."
Tom shook his head, "I haven't been able to figure that one out, and I think it is more the creatures or people he can't control. As it is a known fact, he is very close to the groundskeeper at Hogwarts, Hagrid, and a dear friend to Professor Flitwick, both who are known to be half creature."
Harry hummed, "unless he has them charmed as well, if he dares to cast charms at the minister of magic, and the head of the aurors, who knows who else he has charmed."
Tom scowled, "you have a point there, that should give the community quite scandal."
Harry smiled before nodding, "I believe getting Dumbledore to get a fall from grace is on your agenda, is it not?"