Dumbledore, as suspected, tried to use his titles and whatever else he possessed to see them as the benevolent grandfather he had accumulated throughout the years, to get them to drop the charges. Making most of those present boo as him, while those in the same booth as the judges, just sneered down at the man sitting there.
Tom cleared his throat, "Albus Dumbledore, nothing you say or do will change the way people perceive you. The lies, the spells and the truth had been revealed to the general public, actions have been taken to make sure you won't have any hold on the public any longer.
This is your only chance to speak why you were willing to destroy our community, as this is what you have been doing. You've slowly been killing magic, and have been killing off magical children, just for the traits they possessed."
Suddenly the look on the old man's face changed, "you're just like them, you... you monster! You're a Slytherin descendant, one with Naga blood in your veins, should the old ones rise again, the world would go back to how it was hundreds of years ago - evolution and revolution is needed to bring about a better breed of people."
Harry looked at him, "you actually believe that."
This had the man looking at him, and paling as he finally seemed to recognize the young man sitting next to Tom, and the way his face changed, "Harry, my boy."
Harry scoffed at that, "don't try this, old man, Tom and I are as much your victims as everyone else was. You just believed you had a better chance at molding me into whatever it was you were molding me into. I know there are others out there that are waiting for an answer as to why you were willing to kill, or assist in the killing of so many children, least of all your sister."
Without even trying to cover up the disgust in his face, Dumbledore started sprouting the same ideas his mother used to tell everyone who wanted to listen, that it was the creature blood that was making them weak, while the muggle blood would make them strong.
Even worse, killing off any offspring that was part creature would strengthen their own magic, as the magic coming off of the corpse had to go somewhere. Which was part of the reason he wanted to be there, when so many people were killed - after all, he was an average wizard, but he soon found that there were much stronger people out there, who had creature blood, and who would overpower him within a few years. He glared at Tom as he said this.
Tom gave a dry chuckle, "I am as I am, Dumbledore, because I don't have muggle blood in me, at least not for several generations. Both my parents were magical, near squib in power level maybe, but magical nevertheless. Same can be said for my grandparents, even if their blood mixing didn't result in strong magical children, it made my parents able to get me - and I was the right mix of genes to be strong as I am."
Taking a deep breath, Tom took Harry's hand as the younger held it out, "I suffered indeed, but then again, Mother Magic asked a certain suffering from those she choses as her Lord of Magic. You however, while calling yourself Lord of the Light, were never chosen by Her to present her in such a way."
Dumbledore snorted again, once more not giving them or anyone in the audience a decent answer as to why he did all the things that he did.
"Mother Magic is just a myth, made up by those beasts to try and get the same privileges as us humans."
Several people in the audience gasped at that, seeing as several of them practiced the Olde Ways, to hear this man - this figure head, or past figure head - calling out one of their oldest traditions, made them fear what else Kendra Dumbledore had poisoned in the mind of her eldest son.
Harry and Tom felt the change in atmosphere before anyone else noticed, as such they had time to brace themselves for the doors to the courtroom getting thrown open and a woman walking into the room. Her hair fell to her lower back and seemed to be changing colours every other moment. Her eyes stayed the same, but reminded everyone looking at them of galaxies.