For far too long Light and Dark
Have been divided.
It has all left its Mark.
For too long we have not been aided.
Naga-born to restore the balance once more.
Lord of Magic, prince of scales.
Restore to once before.
Forever out of the tales.
Restore what once was, forever more.
Tom and Harry looked at each other at hearing the prophecy, both of them not knowing what to make of it, as it didn't give a lot of details. Not to mention, both of them didn't believe in them all that much after the prophecy that took their lives. Even if this one was made by a real seer instead of a fake, it still didn't make them feel comfortable that everything that was happening, happened because of a prophecy.
"I don't understand what it means, grandfather."
Mohinder sighed, "it was made eons ago, just before the purge happened and everything changed, made by a seer that warned us of what would happen soon and gave us all the time to prepare for going underground, knowing that in time we would be able to join a normal society.
Even if nothing prepared us for what it really meant, nor for the losses we suffered by it, we were happy to have the warning we got and the hope it would one day change again.
When my family died out, all of us feared that that future would be too far ahead, that none of us would ever live it. With more and more joining us, even children coming to us, along with an influx of toddles and babies when Dumbledore became headmaster and was in the position to harm children or to poison their parents against them, we actually feared it would be too late."
Looking at his grandson, and the Lord of Dark Magic, Mohinder smiled, "you have no idea how happy I was to hear from you, Hadrian, nor how happy I was to know that there was another Naga-born with you - when his magic revealed itself as the Lord of Dark Magic, my hope started living again."
Harry looked at Tom, before turning to his grandfather again, "have you been living all this time, thinking a descendant would be the saviour?"
Mohinder shook his head, "not a saviour, but someone to fight for us, especially with the help of a Lord of Magic, this would be a much easier task."
Tom grumbled, "I just don't think I ever officially announced that title, or if I did, Dumbledore twisted it to mean something else entirely."
Mohinder smiled, "that might be, but if you announce it right now, with your intent behind it, I promise you everyone who is dark aligned will hear you."
Tom swallowed, but nodded, pointing his wand up into the sky, "I am Tom Marvolo Riddle, and I accept Mother Magic's title of Lord of Dark Magic. I will bring back out traditions, as well as our cousins and history. It is time we stop living in the shadows, when we deserve as much time in the light as the others."
As Tom spoke, it seemed that a wave of magic released from him, traveling all over the world, where people, creatures and even animals stopped what they were doing to look in the direction of the wave of magic they felt.
The moment the message followed, a lot of those who heard it started celebrating, happy to know that soon the times of shadows would be behind them.
Back in India, Harry smiled at Tom when the man started breathing heavy, understandable, especially with the magic he let out - but it felt so comforting, and familiar, this magic. He knew he wouldn't be the only person thinking that.