Ch 13

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As the Dark Lord posed his question, Severus needed some time to process the question he had been asked. This was not what he had been expecting. He thought it would go over one of his students yes, but with the quantity of students with a creature inheritance in Slytherin, he had expected to be asked something about one of their parents.

But to be asked about his best friend, not deceased, was not what he expected, not all. Thinking through, this also meant that Harry Potter was the Naga now going through his transformation from a semi-human into a Naga.

For some reason he found this funny, more so seeing as the boy had managed to keep it a secret from the whole school, even with the attention he had gotten last schoolyear.

"If Lily was adopted, My Lord?"

Tom nodded, "we received word from the woman believed to be her sister, that Lily was adopted in the Evans family, and possible might not be a Muggleborn as we thought."

Severus blinked several times, "well, I got to know her, and her family, just after they moved. I never knew why they had done so, but Petunia did hint that it was because of something that Lily had done."

He though this over some more, before adding, "I did happen to se pictures of the family from before the time I knew her, and I noticed that Lily's skin tone was a whole lore darker than, then it had been when I met her.

I must confess that as I child, I just thought that she got less sun where we lived, than before, where she lived then."

Tom hummed, "I guess that's a start. Do you perhaps know if her parents are still alive?"

Severus shook her head, "they died not long after she married Potter, her father had been sick for year, and when his wife, Lily's mother, died because of a drunk driving incident, he just stopped fighting and died soon after his wife."

This had Tom grimacing, he didn't like the dead toll automobiles brought with them.

Lucius and Narcissa looked at Severus and asked for some explanation on what an automobile is.

Explaining to his friends just what it was, and how muggles used it to get somewhere, but also the number of casualties there were every year, just from things like drunk driving, not paying attention, or just plain people who couldn't drive.

This had both purebloods pulling up their noses, not understanding the light fines on that sort of behaviour. If you ever apparated drunk, your licence was taken away, and if you still apparated then, you were sentenced to 3 months in Azkaban, this might seem rough, but they had all heard horror stories of people who apparated with a child or a partner, while drunk, and had splinched that passenger. In their drunken state they had also not reported this, and the other person was severely injured or even died.

Tom sighed, "so parents we cannot ask. Do you know if there would be any records of her being adopting anywhere?"

Severus shook his head, "I think the only one who could have had them, was Petunia, but I am also quite sure she must have burned them as soon as she got a hold of those papers. That woman really didn't like anything that doesn't fall within her perception of normal."

Lucius nodded, "so we've experienced."

Severus blinked a few times, "you were able to get into the house that held Potter?"

Both other men nodded, "should have been difficult then?"

Severs nodded, "Dumbledore is always singing praises to the wards that he cast there. That no one except those that need to be in that house can enter. But it will keep any hostiles out."

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