The moment everyone noticed they were back, they were accosted by the ones living in the Keep. Sirius and Remus, having stayed there the whole month the two of them were in India, were glowing as they recounted word for word just what had happened the first moment the articles appeared in the quibbler.
It would seem that quite a number of people were already doubting Dumbledore's words, especially those families that had lost someone to his machinations, but hadn't known who to turn to. As they still feared that which was told about the Dark Lord.
But the more articles appeared, this coming week meant 5 already, meant that people were starting to become vocal in their approvement of the articles, as well as the way the Dark was, and was handling the situation - compared to how a part of the Light fraction tried to defuse the numbers and facts shown in the last article.
They had started with Tom's view on the world, and what he had in his own bloodline, that made him such a vivid supporter of people with a large quantity of creature blood in their veins.
The one after that had been the children, and what had happened with the children that Dumbledore was supposed to be protecting at Hogwarts, only to kill them, or at least make them disappear once they started coming into their inheritance.
The third had been his history, from the way Percival Dumbledore had looked at his own bloodline, lineage and ancestors, to Kenda Dumbledore's twisted view on those beliefs. It also didn't help that the article insinuated that Dumbledore had killed his own sister for her creature blood, something they had managed to get confirmed by visiting Grindelwald in his prison cell.
The last article that had been published had been Harry's view on all this, as well as him agreeing with everything Tom stood for. Plus, he hadn't kept quiet about his own inheritance, although he didn't reveal what it was. More than a few people had switched fast once they knew that Harry Potter sided with the Dark.
People everywhere were coming together once the truth was coming out, they would have the papers published this week, which told of the increasing rate of squibs, stillborn children and miscarriages, ever since Dumbledore kept pushing them all to marry muggles, and in essence breed the magic out of them.
Tom and HArry were shocked to find out what had been going on in their absence, a part of them had hoped that the way the Quibbler would bring things, would mean people would reconsider their beliefs, but to know so many were already doubting the dogma Dumbledore spoke was a huge relief.
As the excitement about the articles and the huge number of following them had, even if not all of them wanted to participate in any fighting, Sirius and Remus led them towards the large dining room, where the Malfoy family and Snape were waiting for them.
As soon as Tom entered, they all went to their knees and claimed allegiance to the Lord of Dark Magic, their eyes betraying that they had heard the vow Tom had made in India and would support him in completing that goal.
All of them waited until Tom, and Harry, were seated before taking a seat themselves. Sirius and Remus telling the others they had filled the couple in about the articles and the huge positive response they were getting from them.
Lucius and Severus added to that, that the ministry was looking into all of that, and had made several articles that had been tucked away, most likely to give Dumbledore more leeway in the spreading of his lies. As these were magical binding documents, it helped that they couldn't be destroyed, but that didn't help them as they contemplated on how many books, articles or history was lost because of his twisted image.
Snape on his turn told them that the school had suspended him in his duties as headmaster, at least until the investigation into the disappearances, and deaths of so many children was concluded. But the black clad man added that it wasn't looking all that good - especially now that families were coming forward with a missing child.