New and improved Berk

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(Gobber POV)

It's been 4 year since those three teens runaway scheme. I thought they might come back.

They never did. So either their dead or were very serious in their letters.

About two years ago, the rest of the teens found an injured dragon in the woods. An monstrous nightmare. The exact one from dragon training.

Fishlegs convinced them to help the nightmare rather than kill it.

So now we have dragons thanks to them.

Fishlegs has a gronkle named Meatlug.

The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut had a zippleback, Barf and Belch.

Snotlout has the nightmare, Hookfang.

Stoick has a rumblehorn, Skullcrusher.

And I have a hogburple, Grump.

Snotlout is the heir, and to be honest we all wanted Astrid to be chief is she was still "alive".

I have kept their secret all this time. Never told a soul.

Every year on the day Hiccup, Sparrow, and Astrid "died" we hold a celebration. As that day  the dragon raids stopped too.

Again just another filler. I wanna get back to our main three. :)

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