peace ya'll (For berk anyway)

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Sparrow picked up Hiccup.

"NOW!" When Sparrow yelled that the dragons immediately were on high alert.

Sparrow jumped on Toothless and clicked the steering and flew away, Nuri and Stormfly trailing.

"I NEVER SAID YOU COULD LEAVE! GET BACK HERE AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!" Stoick yelled in fury. His rumblehorn, Skullcrusher, landed next to him and he too took off after the fleeing runaways.

Fortunately they had already made their way away from Berk and towards the fog gate.

Stoick growled when he didn't see them. He turned his dragon around and went to the docks to examine the trades that came in from Johann.


"Well that was fun!" Astrid said. "At least the storm passed as quickly as it came."

"Yeah. Now we just have one more problem." She looked down at the unconscious Hiccup. "At least he's cute while he sleeps." Sparrow blushed a bit.

"You really like him, don't you?"


"Then tell him!" Astrid urged.

"No, but let's never bring up landing on Berk to him!" Sparrow adjusted Hiccup and rubbed her neck.

"" Hiccup mumbled.

Astrid gave Sparrow an amused face.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too dork." Sparrow whispered in Hiccups ear and he shifted closer. "I guess you were right."

"Then I shall find a way for you to to confess. Maybe a life threatening situation?" Astrid mused.

Sparrow looked scared. "NO! No! We've been in enough of those."

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