Chapter 10: Old Bonds

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A friend


After all those years of wandering in the North, he finally felt like himself again, with the world growing darker. Ultimately, he gave up and went to sleep near a weirwood. Then he woke up and felt a hint of an old bond. He even howled, something he had never done before.

For three years, he had roamed the lands of winter. When he felt a familiar bond drawing nearer, he was spurred southward. He also found a companion, someone he had been searching for. She was wild like one of his sisters from old, but she also had a grace his sister didn't possess. Then he felt a connection with her as they went South, knowing that young ones were growing inside her. He could hear their little heartbeats, which made him happy and reminded him of the joy he once felt when all his siblings were together.

He stalked through the dense underbrush of the Wolfswood, his white fur filled with dirt that helped him blend into the landscape. His senses were alert, his keen nose catching every scent, his sharp ears tuned to every sound. This was his territory, and he guarded it vigilantly. A faint growl rumbled deep within him as he detected an unfamiliar, unsettling odor in the crisp winter air. It was a smell he did not like, a scent that intruded upon his solitude. He moved silently, his paws barely making a sound as he stalked through the ancient trees.

Suddenly, the distant sound of approaching riders reached his sensitive ears. His hackles rose, and he tensed, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to confront the intruders. They were encroaching upon his territory, and he would not allow it.

But then, amidst the clamor of the riders, there was something else—a familiar presence, a connection that had been dormant for far too long. It was Jon, his bonded companion. The bond between them surged to life, strong and undeniable. His heart leaped with joy and recognition.

With newfound purpose, he bounded forward, his powerful muscles propelling him through the forest. He followed the bond, his senses guiding him unerringly toward Jon. In a small clearing, he found him there—a man he had missed deeply, standing tall and strong.

But before Jon stood a massive black bear, its fur glistening in the winter sunlight. The bear reared up on its hind legs, roaring in fury, its eyes fixed on Jon. He knew he had to act swiftly.

"Ghost!" Jon said, in awe, after he laughed onto the bear's back. His teeth sunk into the fur and flesh, tasting blood. The bear roared in anger, as did another one he hadn't heard before.

With the bear distracted, Jon charged with his broken hunting spear and speared the bear in the belly. The bear roared loudly as it thrashed around, swiping with its paws. It fell back as it tried to remove the spear that was inside it. He fell off it and charged again, biting down on its neck. His old companion removed a dagger and planted it in the bear's eye as he held it down.

They collapsed, both exhausted and full of stress. Then he looked at his old companion, his friend, his father. He laughed at him, licking his face and covering his friend with blood. He didn't care. They were together again.


Seadragon Point – Dragon Caves

He awoke with a jolt, sensing panic in his bond, a fear that his rider, Aemon, was in danger. With a thunderous roar, he roused his mate, most likely in the caves where he and Vhagar had made their lair, and Dreamfyre had recently joined them.

"Aemon, where are you?!" He roared, taking to the skies quickly, feeling the urgency of his rider's peril. He flew towards the source of distress, leading him to the Wolfswood, where he occasionally visited to hunt for moose and elk.

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