Chapter 32 : High as Honor

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Rhaenyra Targaryen (Fourth Moon)

Gates of the Moon

She entered the courtyard of The Gates in the Moon, the formidable stronghold of House Arryn, her presence commanding attention. A small gathering had already formed, and her eyes settled on her cousin, dressed in the familiar colors of their house—white and blue. The resemblance to her late mother was uncanny, a fact not lost on her.

"Ah, dear cousin, the savior of the Vale and dispenser of justice, welcome your grace, the Gates of the Moon are yours" Lady Jeyne greeted her, prompting the others to offer their respects, and kneel. "Please, do rise," she continued, dispelling the formality. "I merely fulfilled my duty in protecting our kin and maintaining the king's peace. Let us not forget Princess Rhaenys, whose aid was invaluable in our fight against the rebels."

As they embraced, she couldn't ignore the fiery red locks of Lady Jessamyn Redfort, standing beside her cousin—a detail that had not escaped the court gossip.

"Well, I must confess, when the siege engines began their assault, I feared the rebels might succeed," her cousin reflected, her tone tinged with sorrow. "But you came to our rescue, quelling the treachery of our own blood. It's a tragedy that even kin would turn against us. I'm grateful our uncle Arron passed before witnessing his son's betrayal." Her words carried the weight of loss, a reminder of the price of rebellion.

"He has faced justice now, sent into the depths of the seven hells by Meleys," she reassured her cousin, though her own belief in such matters was uncertain. "Yes, I hope so; the man didn't deserve much any less. If Rodrik lives, he must face the consequences, be it the sky cells the Wall, or the headman's axe. But let us discuss such matters come morning. For now, let us feast and revel in our victory over the oathbreakers."

"That would be welcoming. I had a long day; we flew around half a day from Runestone. Lady Rhae sent this message to you. She also gathers men to ride to your support; Lady Rhea's cousin, Ser Gerold Royce, is leading them," she reassured her cousin.

"Good, I didn't expect much less. Her father was a wonderful teacher and regent for me. I also will have a party ready to await Princess Rhaenys when she returns; she doesn't deserve any less," she smiled at her cousin. "Yes, a dragonrider like Rhaenys of old." She said, and Jeyne smiled back at her words.


The great hall of The Gates of the Moon was adorned with banners bearing the sigil of House Arryn—a falcon soaring against a clear blue sky. Tables were lined with sumptuous dishes, a feast fit for royalty. The air buzzed with anticipation as guests filled the hall, their voices mingling with the sounds of laughter and music. She enjoyed it all. As the feast started to get underway, her cousin stood up.

"To Princess Rhaenyra and Princess Rhaenys, saviors of the Vale!" Cheers from the gathered folk erupted loudly.

"Let this stand as a testament to those who want to break the king's peace. On the morrow, we shall justice these traitors to the Vale and Crown. Let's set aside the turmoil and darkness of these days and embrace the kinship Princess Rhaenyra has shown us. She is of the Vale, and today she has upheld the values for centuries. All hail Princess Rhaenyra and Princess Rhaenys." Jeyne's words warmed her heart and made her blush.

"I thank you for your words, cousin. I have long wanted to see the Vale again. It has been some time since my beloved mother and I traveled here. Now I have come in war, yet I shall leave this land in peace. With justice served for those who wished to have broken the king's peace and supplant its rightful lady. To my cousin Lady Jeyne Arryn, Lady of The Vale." She spoke loudly, and cheers echoed across the hall of the Gates of The Moon. She sat down and started to talk to Jeyne, asking her about all her own experiences in the Vale.

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