Chapter 11: Seahorse and the Dragon

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Character ages 106 A.C.

Aemon Targaryen Stark: 14 years old (Born in 92 A.C.)

Daemon Targaryen: 26 years old (Born in 80 A.C.)

Alicent Hightower: 17 years old (Born in 89 A.C.)

Lyanna Stark: 30 years old (Born in 76 A.C.)

Rhaenyra Targaryen: 12 years old (Born in 94 A.C.)

Aemma Targaryen Aryn: 27 years old (Born in 79 A.C.)

Laena Velaryon: 14 years old (Born in 92 A.C.)

Laenor Velaryon: 12 years old (Born in 94 A.C.)

Corlys Velaryon: 45 years old (Born in 63 A.C.)

Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon: 34 years old (Born in 74 A.C.)

Visenya Targaryen Stark: 8 years old (Born in 98 A.C.)

Rickon Stark: 12 years old (Born in 94 A.C.)

Bennard Stark: 6 years old (Born in 100 A.C.)

Benjen Stark: 28 years old (Born in 78 A.C.)

Lysa Lock: 31 years old (Born in 75 A.C.)

Otto Hightower: 38 years old (Born in 68 A.C.)

Harrold Westerling: 38 years old (Born in 68 A.C.)

Vaegon Targaryen: 43 years old (Born in 63 A.C.)

Viserys Targaryen: 29 years old (Born in 77 A.C.)

Raym Redwyne: 64 years old (Born in 42 A.C.)

Balerion (the dragon): 230 years old (Born in 124 B.C.)

Vhagar (the dragon): 158 years old (Born in 52 B.C.)

Aemon Targaryen (106 A.C.)

Sky of Driftmark and Dragonstone

"I must say, Aemon, I missed this, the smell of the Narrow Sea. Dragonstone will be, too, when we visit the place. We will visit it, won't we?" Balerion asked him excitedly, a question Vhagar had answered with her roar.

"Don't worry. With my brother's permission, Dragonstone will be our next project and the second bastion for House Targaryen. It is more than time that our ancient seat is seen as our power, not like the rat pit of King's Landing. You have seen the plans for Dragonstone. The volcano will give us even more freedom than Seadragon Point did. It will give the power for it as well. The only problem will be the wild dragons, but I suppose you can subdue them in some submission, no?" He asked in his head, and the Balerion huffed up puffs of smoke.

'As Dragonstone came into view, he knew he couldn't land there; it wasn't the destination for today. His stop would be the Isle of Driftmark, where his betrothed awaited him. He would see Laena again after five years. He wondered what she looked like now and if. He had missed all of them, even Daemon. He was his brother, and his father had loved him. So he would try, although their relationship had never been great. So some hard work would be needed in that direction.

With him back in the capital and Seadragon Point running, he could step up in the realm's governance and start to ensure the Dance wouldn't happen or de-escalate the conflict. One part of that was to increase the power of his house, which was the power of knowledge, at least in the North. The power of the maesters had diminished, and the new Black Citadel, or Library of the White Dragon, as the smallfolk had started calling it, had attracted many learned men and users of other arts. He suspected the measter already knew, yet no defections as of yet. It had occurred, not that it could happen, as the Black Citadel security, protecting them against the measter incursion, was paramount to it.

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