Chapter 13: Arrival of a Prince

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Rhaenyra Targaryen (106 A.C. Eigth moon)


She soared through the sky, the wind brushing against her, a sensation that felt as good to her as it did to the wind itself. The air was fresh and clean, a significant improvement from the acrid smell of the Blackwater and the city below. Her destination was the dragon pit, and as she approached, she couldn't help but admire the preparations for her uncle's wedding to Laena and the upcoming tourney to celebrate the birth of the new heir, a son her father had always desired.

Touching down where she had left her best friend, Alicent, waiting along with her sworn shield, Ser Steffon Darklyn, she dismounted. Her dragon, Syrax, was issued commands by the dragon keepers, all of them donned in her family's black and red colors. The more senior members also wore black chainmail, with dragons engraved greaves and arm guards. "Dohaeras, Syrax," the older keeper said, protecting his younger companion from being scorched as the young man approached too quickly. The younger man spoke hesitantly, understandably nervous about learning how to handle these fire-breathing beasts. "Umbas, Rybas."

She slid down from her saddle and caressed her dragon's neck, eliciting a delighted purr. "Welcome back, Princess. I trust your ride was pleasant," Ser Steffon asked, a bright smile on his face. "Try not to look so relieved, Ser," she replied with a grin. He chuckled, saying, "I'm relieved every time that golden beast brings you back unspoiled; it saves my head from a spike." She grinned in response.

"Syrax is growing quickly; soon she will be as big as Caraxes," Alicent remarked as she welcomed her from the carriage. "Almost large enough for two?" she inquired hopefully, hoping to persuade her friend to join her one day. "I'm fine as a spectator, thank you," Alicent replied before moving back into the carriage. Together, they returned to the Red Keep.

After changing into more courtly attire, she paid a visit to her mother. "Ah, Rhaenyra, you know I don't like you to go flying while I'm in this condition," her mother expressed. She shook her head. "You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition," she quipped as she walked toward her mother.

"Your Grace," Alicent said from behind her as she sat down with her mother on the couch. "Good morrow, Alicent," her mother greeted her. "Did you sleep?" "I slept." "How long?" "I don't need mothering, Rhaenyra." Yet, she did need it, especially now when everything was centered around the babe. "Well, here, all these attendants surround you, all focused on the babe. As your daughter, I will take care of you," she insisted, locking eyes with her mother.

Her mother sighed and spoke, "You will lie in this bed soon enough, Rhaenyra. As will Laena most likely after her wedding." The thought of Aemon marrying made her feel a pang of sadness, as she realized she might lose her friend forever. "This discomfort is how we serve the realm," her mother continued. She shook her head and said, "I'd rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory." 'Perhaps she could, given that she could ride a dragon.' She thought as she looked at her mother. But her mother laughed, "We have royal wombs, you, I, and even Lyanna. The childbed is our battlefield. We need to learn to face it with a stiff upper lip." She would not likely take to motherhood, but perhaps she would if she at least had the right partner.

"Now, go take a bath; you stink of dragon," her mother instructed. She nodded and headed to the small council chamber to serve as her father's cupbearer.

The meeting was already underway when she entered the council room. As she walked briskly toward her father, she heard Lord Corlys Velaryon discussing the menses known as 'The Crab Feeder,' causing havoc in the Stepstones. She knew that anything disrupting the trade lanes concerned The Sea Snake, who was eager to put an end to it as soon as possible. However, her father, reluctant to make any significant moves, had to wait. He was surely hoping that when her uncle arrived, he could sway her father's decision.

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