Chapter One

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Tails stepped outside of his house and walked to the hardware store. He was working on a invention and needed more tools. On his way something caught his eye. A doll stuffed into a trash can. Curious, he approached the trash can and pulled out a doll, that strangely looked like him. Perplexed, he carried the doll to the hardware store with him.

The sun beat down on him, and drops of sweat appeared on his head. Relived, when he reached the store, he went inside.


Tails checked out at the counter and decided to ask the clerk about the strange doll he found.
"Excuse me miss, do you know anything about this doll I found?" He showed the lady the doll.
The lady's eyes widened at the sight. "Er, sir I don't k-know anything a-about that... Thing you're holding. Um,... T-thank you for shopping with us and er, h-have a nice day." She hastily handed the bag and shooed him out the door.
When he left, the lady took out a picture of her family, daughter Juliet, son Michael, and husband Joseph. All 3 of them had only passed away a few days ago. Under "mysterious" circumstances.
"God have mercy on his soul..." She muttered. The lady buried her face into her hands and sobbed.

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