Chapter Two

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On his way home, tails thought about what the store clerk had said. There was no doubt that something more sinister was going on. When tails got home sonic was waiting in front of his door for him.
He greeted tails with a smile. Tails grinned himself. It seemed that no matter what happened, sonic put a smile on his face.
"Hey tails, what'cha been up to?"
"Oh, hey sonic!" Tails put down his bag to unlock the door. "Nothing much, just been working on a project of mine. The weirdest thing happened," tails took the doll out of the bag and showed it to sonic. "I found this doll and it looks just like me."
"Creepy..." Sonic remarked
"So what do you need?"
"Oh I left my phone here, do you know where it is?"
Tails rolled his eyes. Sonic was ALWAYS leaving his stuff at his house. "I was wondering when you were going to get that. It's in the kitchen. I'll be in the garage working on something if you need me."
Sonic nodded and stepped inside.
Tails went into the garage and propped tails doll next to the radio. He immediately got to work.
While his back was turned tails doll turned on the radio, it was already set to play can you feel the sunshine? So the doll didn't bother with that.
Tails turned around. The doll was just how he left it. He assumed that something had flown in and hit the button to turn on the radio. He didn't bother to turn it off. Can you feel the sunshine? Was REALLY catchy and he found himself singing along.

Can you feel the sunshine?
Does it brighten up your day?
Don't feel that sometimes you just need to run away?
Reach out for the sunshine.
Forget about the rain.
Just think about the good times.
And they will come back again.

Feel the sunshine...

The song was interrupted by static.
"Must be a bad signal." Tails muttered to himself.
He switched the radio off. He stood back and looked at his project. It was almost complete. One last screw needed tightening. Which... Wasn't... Where he left it....
Where was it? He swore he left it right next to... The doll...
How did it get there? He didn't leave it there....
He glared at the doll, like it had something to do with it, and got back to work.
The door bell rang...

I THINK THE VIDEO IS FITTING! What about youuuu?

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