Chapter Four

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"Hey Tails, buddy you okay in there?" Sonic called out into the shadows.
After the Lightning storms and rain, sonic decided to look for his buddy tails.
He was about to step inside before he was interrupted by the one and only Amy Amelia Rose.
"Hey sonic! What'cha doing?"
"Oh hey Amy! I was about to check on tails."
"What perfect timing! I helped cream make some cookies for tails. She wanted me to give these to him." She showed him the basket and winked at him.
Cream and tails have been dating for a few months, not very long but the two have gotten close in the short amount of time they spent with each other.
"So c'mon! Let's go inside!" She cheered.
Sonic opened the door and stepped inside. They were immediately greeted by a foul stench coming from the kitchen.
Meanwhile, tails doll watched them very closely, planning to attack when they were alone.
"Oh yuck, what is that smell?" Amy asked holding her nose.
Sonic shrugged. "I'll go and check upstairs for tails, he's probably hiding upstairs under the bed. And that's why he couldn't hear me. Poor guy has always been afraid of lightning storms..."
Amy nodded. "While you do that I'll go in the kitchen and see where that horrible smell is coming from."
"Okay! Sounds like a plan!" He gave her his signature thumbs up and ran upstairs. He only just reached tails bedroom before hearing the blood curling scream that was Amy's.
"Amy!" Sonic called out. He may have not felt the same way as she did, (love) but he still cared as a friend.
He ran down to the kitchen to find the basket and broken cookies all over the floor. Amy sobbing next to tails.
Sonic felt himself collapse onto his knees and onto the floor. His best friend. The one he adventured with and was best friends through and through was... Dead?
He couldn't believe it. Yet, he HAD to believe it was right there in front of him. The evidence clear as day.
Shock and grief overfloaded his body and tears streamed down his checks. He cried and cried with the tears having no end.
Amy managed to pull herself together to the point where she called 911.
The police came shortly. They commanded Amy and sonic to leave Amy limped away still crying, while sonic refused to move from the crime scene.
They literally had to DRAG HIS BODY AWAY to get him to move.
As his body was carried away from the broken cookies and tails, he swore revenge on the one who killed him.
He will not rest, until he was locked away for eternity.

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