Chapter Fifteen

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Amy looked around Angel Island. not really looking for clues like Shadow said, she instead was mostly looking for Sonic.

"Oh, Sonic I finally found you! Don't ever leave me again!"

Sonic didn't respond.

"Sonic...? Are you okay?" She asked tapping his shoulder in a attempt to get his attention.

It worked. And he slowly turned reveling a face that has given many nightmares, assuming they escaped his wrath.


She gasped and walked backwards stopping at a tree.

"S-Sonic? Wha-What happened to you?"

The .EXE grinned showing his sharp teeth that can (and has) rip people apart.

"I am not Sonic."

The .EXE pinned Amy against the tree.


Amy's scream rang throughout the whole island.


Shadow skated as fast as he can with his hover shoes.

He hoped when he got there it wouldn't be too late.


Amy felt herself falling into the abyss.

It was a lot like drowning.

She didn't really care where she was, she just hoped wherever the real Sonic is and Shadow are okay.


When she opened her eyes she saw the place was a lot like green hill zone. Only the sky was pitch black and there was a special zone ring nearby.

And Sonic. The real one.

Before she could open her mouth to say or do anything he jumped in the ring.

So she, of course, followed.

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