Chapter Nine

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Sonic.EXE's first victim was the Chaotix.

He originally planned to get Knuckles first but the Chaotix happened to be nearby.


Team Chaotix walked over to Sonic's house, worried sick.

They rang they doorbell but nobody answered. They were about to call it a day and go back to they're office but (unfortunatly for them) the door creaked open like a ghost was responsible.

Nervously, (especially Charmy) they went through the front door.

"Um, sonic?" Charmy's voice nervously rang out.

The room was pitch black the only light was coming outside, which was slowly evaporating due to the sun setting.

Suddenly, the door closed and their was no light.


The .EXE was getting very annoyed with the trio. They were fighting, being very loud, and overall just being obnoxious.

This was getting on the .EXE's  nerves very  quickly.

'Come on, Come on! Step up your A-game .EXE! Take these guys out proceed with plan.'

The .EXE took a deep breath, and jumped.


As metioned before, the trio was being very loud, well only Vector and Charmy really, Espio was attempting to be on full alert, which was hard sense, like I said, it was very loud.

Not "Wake-Up-The-Neighborhood-What-The-Hell-Is That-Noise-Loud" it was as loud as a 5-year old's birthday party.

Then they're was a SLASH and a THUMP and vector stopped talking.

"E-espio, what was that?"


"The sound of us being under attack."

Espio quickly jumped into action and, even though the odds were against him. He tried to attack but his efforts were no match for they're was another SLASH, chocking noises and another loud THUMP.

Tears quickly sprang into Charmy's eyes. He was young, but he knew what this meant. Holding back tears, he shakily asked a question.

"W-who are you?"

There was a pixilated laugh and a responce:





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