The Finale Part Two

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Please note this is my first time taking a crack at writing fight scenes so if it sucks, I apologize and will work on that...


Shadow was surprised at this.

When Rouge told him about spirits, demons, and how they worked he figured they attacked the source, then BAM! He was defeated, done and done.

But obviously that was not the case. As he was right in front of him.

The .EXE drew his claws and ran twords  Shadow.

Shadow blocked his attack by using chaos spear.

While the .EXE was distracted Sonic, curled up into a ball and attacked his back, throwing the .EXE off guard.

Then Shadow tried shooting at him with a gun. The .EXE was having none of that though, and knocked it out of his hand, destroying it instantly, and kicked him in the stomach.

Besides, I don't think a gun would be very useful in this situation.

The .EXE then headed twords Sonic. Shadow quickly got up and used chaos spear on him a bunch of times, and Sonic did a bunch of homing attacks on him.

The .EXE was defeated.

Then again he was defeated from the beginning and he knew this. He also knew that he could've taken one of them easily, but both of them? No, that was a bit much even for him.

Then, there was a bright light it was a door.

A way out.

Shadow and Sonic headed for the exit but before they could exit, the .EXE said something.

"Wait, you have a choice."

Sonic turned around "What do you mean by that?"

Shadow huffed, crossed his arms impatiently and waited for him.

"You can leave here for good, or I can bring your friends back."

"All of them?"

"All of them. They're dead but not really. They're mostly dead. So I can bring them back. Or, you can leave and never come back. But there's a catch."

"And what would that be?"

"A sacrifice. Most people would already be fully controlled by me. But not you. Only sheer willpower has kept me from receiving my full power. So, what will it be?"

There was a pause, and silence.

The last two chapters are coming the 24 of April!

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