Chapter Seven

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The next day...

"Hey, sonic's been gone for a while now... Do you think anything bad happened to him?" Vector asked.

"Maybe he forgot to come back and went straight home" Charmy replied.

"Charmy's correct." Espio said cooly.

"I have a bad feeling about it though... Maybe we should go and check on him?"

"No harm in doing that... LET'S GO!"


                                                                                 =TIME SKIP=

 As Team Chaotix walked to Sonic's house, the ran into a familiar face.


"Oh, hello boy's" Vanilla said with a sad smile on her face.

"Hello Ms. Vanilla... What's wrong?" Vector.

"It's just that I feel so sorry for my daughter cream. Losing her boyfreind and all. I'm just so glad she has good friends like you to support her."

"heh, well you can always count on us!... So, any chance you've seen sonic around recently?"

Vanilla shook her head. "No, I haven't seen him sence yesturday. I feel so bad for him, after all he lost his best freind."

Vector sighed. Charmy frowned with worry. Espio had the same expression on his face as he always does.

"Well, thanks for the help." Vector sighed.

"Oh, it was nothing. If you ever need anything just let me know. " Vanilla then walked away.


"Where could sonic beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" Asked charmy

"Now that is the million dollar quetion." Vector replied.

The trio started to trudge twords there next destination.


A/N: as stated before sorry for the long time no see.

New chapter on the 'morrow!

Next chapter we'll head back to sonic to what see the beef over there.

and if you like this book you'll LOVE the next one which belive it or not is also a creepypasta story called: smoking chedder cheese.

I'm promoting that 'cause soon the book will wrap-up soon!

hope you join me then!

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