Chapter Three

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Tails went upstairs and opened the door... Nobody was there. Except for a piece of paper on the ground.
Tails picked up the paper and read the note. It said: 'look behind you'
Tails turned around and saw... Nothing. He went back inside and left tails doll on the porch holding a knife.
The doll was starting to get frustrated
'WHY CANT I KILL HIM?' Tails doll screamed in his head. Suddenly, 'DING' he had a idea.
Tails turned the radio back on to see if there was still static, and there was. The static sounded like screams and someone yelling 'help me'. Before tails turned it off freaked out.
He found the screwdriver and went back to work. He felt like he forgot something... But what?
When he figured it out it was to late. The power went off and he heard rain and thunderstorms outside.
He felt scared.
'First a mysterious note, then the doll going missing, rain and thunderstorms outside. Even though it was really sunny a minute ago, and now the power going off, WHAT NEXT? A murderer?' He thought.
He laughed nervously, a murderer? He knew the idea, was absurd... Or was it?
He stumbled around in the darkness looking for a candle. Instead, he found the doll on the floor.
He bent over to pick it up. That would be his last mistake.
Before he knew it, he found himself on the floor with a knife near his head.
"CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE?" The doll asked in a deep and menacing voice.
Tails final thoughts were 'please, let none of friends have the same fate.'

Then silence... Creepy and sinister silence....

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