Chapter Five

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Two weeks after tails funeral and life hasn't been the same without him.
Most of the gang locked themselves in there houses, not even coming out to see the light of day.
Cream, entered a deep state of depression she just hasn't been her cheerful bubbly self since tails was murdered. She says if it weren't for her friends she would have no reason to live. She even stopped baking.
Sonic fell the hardest no doubt, but he was the most determined to find that murderer. Even if it killed him.
So it was no surprise when sonic tagged along with team chaotix to investigate the crime scene.
They found the weapon. That was it. They checked it for fingerprints. None. They tested the blood on the knife. It was tails.
It seemed to be an impossible case, no motive, no suspects, and no evidence. All they had found was the weapon which I guess, was better than nothing.
They retreated home.
"I can't believe this! Nothing! Absolutely nothing! No motives, no suspects nothing!" Vector the crocodile exclaimed.
"Well we found the weapon that's better than nothing!" Charmy the bee replied.
"Charmy's right." Espio the chameleon calmly replied. "But, we can't get anything from it."
Vector sighed. "Well sonic, this sure is a tough one, but eventually we'll find the crook, and when we do JUSTICE! Sweet sweet justice in the name OF TAILS!" He slammed his fist on the desk making a few pencils roll off.
"I know. I'm going to his house and see if I can find anything myself." Sonic got up and started walking words the door.
"Okay! But, be careful, who knows? Maybe the murder is still hanging around!"
"Oh please vector, why would the murder still be hanging around?" Charmy asked.

That's the last thing sonic heard of the three as he stepped outside and shut the door.
Now on the way to tails house.

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