Chapter Thirteen

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From a distance Angel Island looked normal. There were dark clouds circling around, but that was such for the main land as well. In short nobody payed attention to the floating island.

But, if you look closely you will see the island is slightly tipping down.

Last time I checked that's not normal.


Shadow and Amy arrived on the island in a flash. Shadow immediatly rushed to get to the master emerald, to see if everything was alright. Amy trailed behind, huffing and puffing. She was not the fastest, so she had a rough time keeping up.

"Hey! *huff* What's with all *puff* hurry?!" 

Shadow didn't respond. He didn't even hear her. He was too wrapped up in his thoughts.

Suddenly he stopped.

"Finally you stopped! You know how hard it is too-"

Amy stopped talking and looked over in shock, her mouth wide open.

The once brilliantly green emerald was now dull and grey, with Knuckles no where to be seen- the only evidence left behind was a pool of blood on the steps.


Sonic.EXE saw Shadow and Amy from afar, and started planning to of course, kill them. Since Sonic was now awake he saw everything the .EXE saw.

Including the master emerald.

"What?! What the heck happened to the master emerald???!"

"Simple. With him out of the way I drained it of all it's energy and power."

"What??! With out the master emerald the island will fall into the ocean and every living thing on it will perish!"

The .EXE sighed and smiled "Isn't death such a beautiful thing?"

His minions nodded along.

"NO! Death is not a good thing at all!"

"Shut up!" The .EXE snapped back.

"Anyway, you better take a good look at your pitiful friend's Sonic. This is the last time you will be able to the them... ALIVE."

The .EXE then manically laughed.

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