All The Right Moves- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Kenna what do you mean?"

"Uh huh. Alright keep talking" I said pacing in the living room of the lodge back and forth.

She was talking a mile a minute and I had a hard time keeping up with her. Damn last minute clients. She shouldn't have taken the event, I told her specifically not to about a hundred times especially since this was the first time I left her specifically in charge since I'd be gone.

"I told you not to take any last minute events Kenna. You know how much pressure you'll be under? Especially since I'm not there to coordinate?" I told her grabbing a paper and pen from my purse that was by the kitchen table.

I sat down on the bar and listened to her as she explained everything that was needed and all of the necessities the clients had asked for.

"You know I wouldn't have accepted it but I just couldn't deny the pay. It's tripled of what we normally charge! There's so much they want Charlie. I told them that because it was such a last minute event, they couldn't expect much but boy is this a shit load." Kenna huffed.

"I don't care how much money they offer. Rules are rules and people need to obey them, including you idiot. Listen, I need you to email me any and all emails that you had with them, the contract that they signed, the list I keep in my top left drawer in my desk that has the names and numbers of the people that can help me in a time like this, and the contract with the location they picked out." I said clicking my pen and biting on it's end.

"I'm sending them to you now. The party is expected to start at midnight so we have about five hours. Do you think we can pull it off?" She asked anxiously.

I rolled my eyes. Kenna had been with me from the get go yet she still hadn't learned a thing yet, "I wouldn't be talking to you Kenna if we couldn't. I expect to have the email no later than ten minutes. I have a lot of phone calls to make. Take the crew with you to the location and send me the measurements of empty space. I'll email you the calls I'll be needing you to make so take your papers, a pen, and some Xanax with you." I said hanging up the phone.

"Shit." I muttered exasperated at this sudden event. I rubbed my eyes and began to mentally prepare myself for the next couple of hours. As long as I made the phone calls, confirmed each company's service, and heard that they were at the location, I'd be able to breathe again.

Damn last minute idiots.

Damn stupid Kenna for taking this.

"You okay Char? You sounded like you were about to pounce on your poor assistant." Ethan said rubbing my back.

I turned around on my stool and looked at a very nicely dressed Ethan.

"You look nice. You going out tonight grandpa?" I asked trying to distract myself from reality for a second.

"Yep. Blake and I as well as Mitch and Jack are going out tonight but I'm going to take them to town first and get some dinner before our night starts. It's still a little early. I would think you would be coming but not after that call." He said frowning.

"Sadly no, at least not tonight. Stupid client called in last minute for an event and no matter how much I tell my assistant that it is restricted to allow any events without a 48-hour notice, she felt the need to take it anyway." I said grunting at the end of my statement.

"Auntie Tigo!" Clay came in running to me.

I smiled at him and picked him up, "Hey favorite man." I said kissing his forehead.

"If he gets in your way tonight, just call me, okay?" Ethan said crossing his arms across his chest.

I felt my eyebrow lift at his comment.

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