All The Right Moves- Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


It had been a whirlwind.

Drew had been home for about three days now and things felt so off.

I couldn't put my finger to it but something wasn't right.

Everything felt so foreign yet I was finding myself acting quite natural.

In Blake's home that I don't remember, with her husband whom was my best friend which I found incredibly relieved to see that they had ended up together.

But to see their baby boy had been a whole other ordeal.

I found myself in awe of the human that they've created.

My two dumba*s friends made such a beautiful person. I was a complete mush.

It had been a few days with Clay and although he had been so comfortable with me, I found myself feeling guilty for not remembering him.

Surely I had to eventually?

I didn't have any pictures to register Clay or my memories.

Losing my phone in the fire had been a complete joke. It was like God was trying to tell me that I needed a fresh start.

I had to yet to get a new one and knew I'd have to get one eventually.

On my laptop I had logged into what I thought were my social media accounts to see that nothing worked. Confused, I had to ask Blake for clarification.

After all, I felt that I could at least recollect some memories from photos and posts, but this backfired when Blake answered.

"Hey B? Could you tell me why I don't have any social media?" I asked curiously.

I was all about Instagram in College. When did that stop?

She chuckled before responding, "You quit social media personally and used it more for your business to gain a platform. After..." She paused before speaking again.

"You quit social media and mainly use it now to gain traction for your company. The only accounts you have it for the company but Kenna runs them all so really you don't use them anymore. You haven't for years really. You've only ever kept up with Drew and the NFL for that matter." She clarified flipping through a magazine.

I nodded letting the information sink in.

"Speaking of companies... when am I going to be able to go to the office?" I asked curiously.

I was so curious to see what I had done.

She shot me a smile.

"Once you feel 100%. I don't want you to worry about that now, we've got it all under control." Blake replied shooting me a wink.

I felt stronger with each passing day with the pain in my ribs slowly but surely subsiding. The headaches though were a whole other story. They would come and go as they pleased and were getting on my last nerve.

Before I could respond both Ethan and Drew walked in laughing about something.

"You two. Perfect timing. Let's go set the table Ethan!" Blake said standing and grabbing Ethan's hand.

Drew's eyes never left mine.

I had to look away at the intensity of his stare.

It seemed as if now whenever I looked at him he was looking at me.

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