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You know what's weird?

When your best friends have their first kid. I mean one second you're all in college lying about heart conditions, flying off to California, winning ACC championships and dealing with the death of your cheater boyfriend, then poof, you're 23 out of college and the people you used to drink your Friday nights away with are responsible for this other life... Blake and Ethan are totally screwed.

Lucky for that kid he has the coolest godmother to keep him sane.

The last few years have flown by and Blake and Ethan have been doing great with Clay. Blake is the head of her moms magazine company and Ethan took over his dads company not long after college. Who knew those two idiots could actually head a company without it going under within the first 6 months? Drew got drafted into the NFL around the same time, he will be just be completing his 3rd season with the Baltimore Ravens and I have yet to see the goof happier.

As for me, well I've been dong well.

After Wesley's passing I spent some time coping and came to terms with everything that happened.

Yes it ended terribly but Wesley and I had some really great memories together and now it's all something of the past. I even talked it out with Michelle, which was a big part of me getting over everything that happened but I didn't need someone like that in my life, nor did I want someone like that in my life.

Everything is going great now. I'm a successful event planner working alongside of my best friend most of the time planning anything and everything for LUSH Magazine.

These past few years have flown by but nothing has really changed. Its kind of like we're picking up right where we left off by the lake although there is baby Clay to add and the successes of all of our lives.

My life had never seemed so stable and I couldn't be more content with it. After everything that happened with Blake and Ethan as well as Wesley, my life had been nothing but smooth sailing and although sometimes I loved it, I've had small moments where I've missed the eventful life I had.


My life had been completely eventful, after all, I did start my own event coordinating company about a few years ago and surprisingly, it was one of the best companies in the East Coast on making a party a hit party.

But not eventful in the matter of drama or exciting new guys.

Maybe that was a good thing.

No, it was definitely a good thing.

I didn't need any of that anyways. I had much of it already and I've been on a roll these last years.

Everyone thought that I was such a damaged and broken girl that wouldn't ever get on her own two feet again yet I proved everyone wrong.

But I didn't do what I do to shut all those people up. Hell no I didn't. I did it mainly for myself and I felt stronger than I ever had.

Let's just hope that I stay on this so-called "roll" of mine for a while because quite frankly, any interruption may not be so good for me.

But maybe it will.

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