All The Right Moves- Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


It was Sunday morning and Drew had flown out last night for his first playoff game today. He was playing in Minnesota and Blake had plastered the game all over the TV's in the house.

Ethan had flown up to support him and feeling guilty, I felt that we all should have been there.

"Stop it!" Blake told me from the couch across the living room.

"Stop what?" I asked confused.

"You're in your head. Quit it." She said

Rolling my eyes, I knew she always caught my ass.

"When does Ethan come back?" I ask.

"Not until tomorrow morning. He's taking a red eye I think with Drew," She added.

"We really should have gone," I told her, taking a sip of my hot cocoa, propping my legs on the couch while taking quick glances at the TV.

A very sleepy Clay was rested on her lap napping away.

He was absolutely adorable.

Why couldn't I remember a single thing about him?

"And we will go. You've only been discharged for a week Char. Take it easy on yourself. Flying will really mess with your head." She responded.

"I have all the faith that he will win tonight but you never know.  I just want to support him." I told her curling my knees to my chest.

"And we will. If they win this game, the next one will be against the Washington Redskins, right in our backyard. We can go to that one. But no flying for you just yet." She told me throwing a piece of popcorn on my face.

The game felt forever, yet Drew was doing great.

The game was super close with Drew taking the lead by just two points above the Vikings.

I was on my knees crouching, praying that they would win.

"OH COME ON!" I heard Blake screaming from beside me.

"Just f*cking hold it together!" She shouted.

Thank God we had put Clay in his bed.

Blake was absolutely losing her shits.

"Literally 30 seconds left and I swear I have never felt so much anxiety," I said aloud.

"Let's go, let's go lets go." Blake shouted jumping up and down.

The clock was ticking down and the other team was rushing, trying to get it near field goal range.

All the boys had to do was just play good defense.

"Come on," I whispered.

The clock ticked down and the other team called their last play.

The quarterback lost the ball and almost immediately Drew's team gained possession.

"YES! YES! THAT'S IT!" Blake chanted jumping up and down.


"THANK GOD!!!!" Blake interrupted cheering.

I smiled against my hands that were clasped over my mouth.

He won.

"Damn that sh*t got my anxiety on the edge," Blake said exasperated.

"Looks like we're going to his next game," Blake added collapsing onto the couch.

I stood up and smiled at the TV.

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