All The Right Moves- Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"I think this is great, really." I told Adam glaring at the final touches we had finished the final touches of our idea.

"Thanks Charlie. I'm going to head out but I'll let you know how everything goes tomorrow! "He stated before heading to the door.

We were inside Blake's living room just as Ethan had entered the door as Adam was leaving.

"Was just on my way out." Adam stated.

Ethan shot him a look, "Big day tomorrow, huh?"

Adam let out a deep sigh, "You've got no idea."

Ethan laughed and slapped his shoulder, "Grow some balls. You'll be fine."

I threw my shoe at Ethan, "Don't be a d*ck!"

The shoe completely missed and hit Adam right in the back of his head.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Adam." I shrieked.

Ethan laughed uncontrollably, "Leave before she ends up throwing a brick at you."

Adam laughed, "You're good. See you guys later!"

"Good luck!" I shouted as he walked out.

"Good aim," Ethan added plopping on the couch beside me.

"I really did just hit that boy in the head," I stated laughing.

"Well I'm just glad that we no longer have to see that kid here every damn day. Seriously 2 weeks too long." Ethan stated jokingly.

"Unless he royally f*cks up." Ethan added.

I nudged his ribs, "Positive thoughts. He got it."

Ethan flipped through the channels and put of course the ESPN channel on.

It was off season now that the Super bowl was just last Sunday.

Highlight of this last NFL season were plastered across the screen with some of the seasons best plays and of course, Drew had made the cut.

"Have you spoken to him?" Ethan asked breaking the silence.

"Not since three weeks ago. I'm not trying to punish him, I just need my own time." I told him.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and faced to look at Ethan as he spoke, "I know that you're upset with him and you need time, but just know that that boy loves you."

I nodded, "I know he does. But he needs to let me breathe, make my own decisions and stop hovering me like I'm about to break."

"Charlie you were in a mind-blowing accident that left every one of us clueless on how to act. Yeah we all f*cked up by how we handled things but we all knew. We were all trying to protect you." Ethan stated.

"I know that. But I felt that everything was being controlled for me. I love all of you for trying to protect me but enough is enough. He kept on trying to protect me from everything that was going on, things that I can handle on my own. You guys as well."

Ethan let out a breath before replying, "Charlie, he almost lost you. He almost lost you. We did too. But that man has gone through the damn ringer these last few months with you. If anyone can understand what you're going through, it is him. You may not remember what has happened, but could you imagine also being in his position when you went and saved his sister?"

"I could never forgive myself if it had been Blake and I in your shoes." He stated sadly.

I let his words sink in.

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