All The Right Moves- Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Monday's killed, and this one especially.

It was only 9 in the morning, yet it felt like the day should be ending.

Walking into the office, I headed straight to the board room for our meeting scheduled.

Everyone was in discussing some business matters when I entered.

I noticed I saw my coffee was paired with a cookie this time at the head of the table.

Picking it up Kenna spoke, "Something sweet for a sour morning."

I laughed, "I'll be fine. You're crazy."

She laughed, "Oh I know you will."

Taking a sip of my coffee, I exhaled before gathering the paperwork Kenna had placed in front of me.

Everyone's conversations began to die down before I spoke.

"Alright. Rundown on how our next 5 weeks will look like, go." I spoke.

Kenna immediately took the stage and began laying out all the events that were to take place.

The Holiday season was no joke and I knew I'd have my hands full.

After Kenna displayed all the information and discussed all the details, I took turn.

"We have all of the vendors contacted, as well as venues established for all events. Everything seems to be set in stone and confirmed with both the vendors and clients. Now it's just a matter of executing these events. We'll need to distribute the team evenly for the next month so that all hands are on board. We have plenty of interns for the winter break as well so there is no reason nothing should be short staffed. Does everyone know what events they are tasked to?" I asked the table.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Good. You are all the leads. Your team reflects not just yourselves, but this company as well. I know you guys are great at what you do. Now is the time to show these clients the same." I told them.

"Aside from the next month, what does our schedule look like with the Ravens?" I asked Kenna.

She clicked the remote so that the large screen showed details with the team.

"As for now, we have all the charity events scheduled from here until the end of the season. Not many left, just about 6 in fact. Then the Coach stated that depending on how far they go this season, they wanted an end-of-season celebration with the families of the staff and players. We have two tentative dates. One before the Super bowl, and one after, just in case. January 27th, or March 1st." She stated placing the contracts on the table.

"The vendors are aware as well as venues. We should be good for both dates. It will be held locally anyways as the families of the team are around here and the Coach wants it to be easily accessible." She added.

I looked through the schedule.

That means Drew would have 5 more in between charity events he'd need to go to and just one party at the end.

Not many left for us.

Depending on whether they would renew their contract with the company, it was bittersweet to see that the company's interaction with the team may be coming to an end.

It was a great experience to say the least.

"Perfect. Thank you, Kenna." She was on top of the game as always.

She shot me a smile.

My phone began vibrating against the glass top of the table. I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was Ellie.

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